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Rok wydania
Zaffre Birds of prey
52,44 zł

Zaffre Birds of prey

  • ISBN9781785766763
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorWilbur Smith
  • Ilość stron736

'Africa!' The sound of that mysterious name on his own lips raised goose pimples along his arms and made the thick dark hair prickle on the back of his neck. A simple mission. A battle for their lives. It is 1667 and the war between the Dutch and the English continues apace. Sir Francis Courtney, his son Hal and their crew are carried around the southern tip of the African colonies aby the good ship Lady Edwina, licensed to attack and seize the treasure-laden ships of the Dutch East India company. When they capture a Dutch trader and hold the passengers to ransom, Sir Francis hopes only for a good price and a small sense of satisfaction. But this is unlawful territory they sail in. An unexpected betrayal will mean the men on board will face greater peril than they have ever faced before - and many good men may never see home again...

Assegai marki Zaffre
43,09 zł

Assegai marki Zaffre

  • ISBN9781785766756
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorWilbur Smith
  • Ilość stron512

From directly overhead he heard the loud flapping of heavy wings and another vulture rose from beyond the screen of banana plants. Leon felt the chill of dread. If the brutes are settling that means there's meat lying out there, dead meat. King and Country. No matter the cost. With the backing of his uncle, General Penrod Ballantyne, young Leon Courtney joins the King's Rifles of Nairobi. When he becomes discouraged aby the dishonesty of army life, his uncle recruits him for a special mission - spying on the Germans in East Africa, whom the General suspects are preparing for the Kaiser's war. Posing as a professional game hunter Leon is tasked with gathering information on one of his clients, wealthy industrialist Otto Von Meerbach. Leon finds himself falling for Von Meerbach's beautiful mistress, but never forgets that his real mission is to destroy the enemy. But how easy will he find his task when his true enemy is closer to home than Leon ever expected$2092A Courtney Series adventure - Book 1 in the Assegai sequence.


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