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Literatura obcojęzyczna - Oxford University Press Inc

Uwielbiasz literaturę obcojęzyczną? Szukasz ciekawej książki? A może wolisz konkretnego autora? Zgromadziliśmy tu najróżniejsze historie znamienitych i uznanych autorów. Przeglądaj szczegółowe kategorie i wybierz coś dla siebie! Jeśli chodzi o ilość produktów, to odnajdziesz ich w tej kategorii 389665 w 20 punktach w sieci. Dostępny wachlarz producentów w tym dziale zamyka się w liczbie 27891. Marki takie jak Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, Little, Brown Book Group, należą do często wybieranych przez przeglądających tę kategorię. Odwiedzający ten dział często przeglądali sklepy internetowe takie jak:, Empik, a także Ponadto przy produktach odnajdziesz opinie, które pozwolą Tobie dokonać ostatecznego wyboru przy zakupie. Najczęściej wybierane produkty to Cambridge Checkpoint English Coursebook 8 (opr. miękka), Wino. Praktyczny poradnik (opr. twarda) oraz dobrochna, wstawaj! historia polski w... (opr. miękka).

Rok wydania
Old scofield (r) study bible, kjv, classic edition marki Oxford university press inc
148,09 zł

Old scofield (r) study bible, kjv, classic edition marki Oxford university press inc

  • ISBN9780195274585
  • Oprawatwarda
  • Ilość stron1632
  • Rok wydania2002

This easy-to-carry edition of the renowned Old Scofield(R) Study Bible offers a wealth of study materials at a fantastic price. Featuring a traditional type setting cherished by many long-time Scofield readers, the Classic Edition, whose notes date from 1917, is the best cross-reference study Bible ever published. Among its many features are book introductions and outlines, unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes, chronologies, a concordance and authoritative, full color Oxford Bible Maps. * Authorized King James Version text. * Same-page text helps. * Complete Scofield(R) references. * Subheadings. * Introduction to each book of the Bible. * Comprehensive index. * Chronologies. * Subject index. * Concordance. * Red letter type. * Subject chain references. * English equivalents for Hebrew dates, money, weights and measures.

Natural selection and social theory marki Oxford university press inc
323,73 zł

Natural selection and social theory marki Oxford university press inc

  • ISBN9780195130621
  • Oprawamiękka
  • Ilość stron356
  • Rok wydania2002

Robert Trivers is one of the leading figures pioneering the field of sociobiology. For Natural Selection and Social Theory, he has selected eleven of his most influential papers, including several classic papers from the early 1970s on the evolution of reciprocal altruism, parent-offspring conflicts and asymmetry in sexual selection, which helped to establish the centrality of sociobiology, as well as some of his later work on deceit in signalling, sex antagonistic genese, and imprinting. Trivers introduces each paper, setting them in their contemporary context, and critically evaluating them in the light of subsequent work and further developments. The result is a unique portrait of the intellectual development of sociobiology, with valuable insights of interest to evolutionary biology, anthropology, and psychology.

Oxford university press inc Strange career of jim crow
61,69 zł

Oxford university press inc Strange career of jim crow

  • ISBN9780195146905
  • Oprawamiękka
  • Ilość stron270
  • Rok wydania2002

Strange Career offers a clear and illuminating analysis of the history of Jim Crow laws and American race relations. This book presented evidence that segregation in the South dated only to the 1880s. It's publication in 1955, a year after the Supreme Court ordered schools be desegregated, helped counter arguments that the ruling would destoy a centuries-old way of life. The commemorative edition includes a special afterword aby William S. McFeely, former Woodward student and winner of both the 1982 Pulitzer Prize and 1992 Lincoln Prize. As William McFeely describes in the new afterword, 'the slim volume's social consequence far outstripped its importance to academia. The book became part of a revolution...The Civil Rights Movement had changed Woodward's South and his slim, quietly insistent book...had contributed to that change.'.

Modernist Islam, 1840-1940
384,21 zł

Modernist Islam, 1840-1940

  • ISBN9780195154689
  • Oprawamiękka
  • Ilość stron404
  • Rok wydania2002

Modernist Islam was a major intellectual current in the Muslim world during the 19th and 20th centuries. Proponents of this movement typically believed that it was not only possible but imperative to show how "modern" values and institutions could be reconciled with authentically Islamic ideals. This sourcebook brings together a broad range of writings on modernist Islam from across the Muslim world. It makes available for the first time in English the writings of many of the activists and intellectuals who made up the early modernist Islamic movement. Charles Kurzman and a team of section editors, each specializing in a different region of the Islamic world, have assembled, translated, and annotated the work of the most important of these figures. With the publication of this volume, an English-speaking audience will have wider access to the literature of modernist Islam than did the makers of the movement themselves.

Hoofprint of the ox marki Oxford university press inc
187,63 zł

Hoofprint of the ox marki Oxford university press inc

  • ISBN9780195152487
  • Oprawamiękka
  • Ilość stron254
  • Rok wydania2002

Revered by Buddhists in the United States and China, Master Sheng-yen shares his wisdom and teachings in this first comprehensive English primer of Chan, the Chinese tradition of Buddhism that inspired Japanese Zen. Often mistunderstood as a system of mind games, the Chan path leads to enlightenment through apparent contradiction. While demanding the mental and physical discipline of traditional Buddhist doctrine, it asserts that wisdom (Buddha-nature) is innate and immediate in all living beings, and thus not to be achieved through devotion to the strictures of religious practice. You arrive without departing. Master Sheng-yen provides an unprecedented understanding of Chan, its precepts, and its practice. Beginning with a basic overview of Buddhism and meditation, 'Hoofprint of the Ox' detials the progressive mental exercises traditionally followed by all Buddhists. Known as the Three Disciplines, these procedures develop moral purity, meditiative concentration, and enlightening insight through the 'stilling' of the mind. Master Sheng-yen then expounds Chan Buddhism, recounting its centuries-old history in China and illuminating its fundamental tenets.He contemplates the nature of Buddhahood, specifies the physical and mental prerequisites for beginning Chan practice, and humbly considers what it means to be an enlightened Chan master. Drawing its title from a famous series of pictures that symbolizes the Chan path as the search of an ox-herd for his wayward ox, 'Hoofprint of the Ox' is an inspirational guide to self-discovery through mental transformation. A profound contribution to Western understanding of Chan and Zen, this book is intended for practicing Buddhists as well as anyone interested in learning about the Buddhist path.

Oxford university press inc Norse mythology
94,01 zł

Oxford university press inc Norse mythology

  • ISBN9780195153828
  • Oprawamiękka
  • Ilość stron384
  • Rok wydania2002

Norse Mythology explores the magical myths and legends of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Viking-Age Greenland-outlining along the way the prehistoric tales and beliefs from these regions that have remained embedded in the imagination of the world. The book begins with an Introduction that helps put Scandinavian mythology in place in history, followed żeby a chapter that explains the meaning of mythic time, and a third section that presents in-depth explanations of each mythological term. These fascinating entries identify particular deities and giants, as well as the places where they dwell and the varied and wily means by which they forge their existence and battle one another. We meet Thor, one of the most powerful gods, who specializes in killing giants using a hammer made for him aby dwarfs, not to mention myriad trolls, ogres, humans and strange animals. We learn of the ongoing struggle between the gods, who create the cosmos, and the jotnar, or giants, who aim to destroy it.In the enchanted world where this mythology takes place, we encounter turbulent rivers, majestic mountains, dense forests, storms, fierce winters, eagles, ravens, salmon and snakes in a landscape closely resembling Scandinavia. Beings travel on ships and on horseback; they eat slaughtered meat and drink mead. Spanning from the inception of the universe and the birth of human beings to the universe's destruction and the mythic future, these sparkling tales of creation and destruction, death and rebirth, gods and heroes will entertain readers and offer insight into the relationship between Scandinavian myth, history, and culture.

Visionary Film
253,60 zł

Visionary Film

  • ISBN9780195148862
  • Oprawamiękka
  • Ilość stron480
  • Rok wydania2002

Visionary Film has remained the standard text on the American avant-garde since the publication of its first edition in 1974. It has been hailed as the most complete work written on the exciting, often puzzling and always controversial genre of American avant-garde film. In this book P. Adams Sitney discusses the principle genres and the major filmmakers since Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid made their dreamlike film "Meshes of the Afternoon" in 1943. Sitney also identifies the emergence and flowering of a new genre, which he calls Menippean Satire. This edition also includes a chapter on the films of Gregory J. Markopoulos which had been dropped from the second edition.


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