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Pozostałe kosmetyki - Baobab, L Oreal Paris, Lancome

Chcesz kupić jakieś artykuły i kosmetyki do skóry, a nie znalazłaś ich w innych kategoriach? Nic straconego, może jest właśnie tutaj. Znajdziesz tu kosmetyki i akcesoria przydatne przy pielęgnacji i poprawianiu stanu skóry. Przejrzyj zawartość i znajdź to czego Ci trzeba. Jeśli chodzi o liczbę produktów, to odnajdziesz ich w naszym katalogu 259369 w 235 sklepach w sieci. Dostępna baza 6428 marek w tej kategorii z pewnością Cię zadowoli. W tym obszarze można wyszczególnić najbardziej cenione marki, takie jak MAC Cosmetics i Panda Furniture. Zazwyczaj wybieranymi dostawcami produktów w tym dziale byli Lyko PL,, a także Sklep Nabea. Ponadto na stronach produktów odnajdziesz również wiele wartościowych opinii o dostępnych sklepach online. Producent MAC Cosmetics sprzedaje najczęściej MAC Cosmetics Róż Extra Dimension Wrapped Candy, MAC Cosmetics Dazzleshadow Eyeshadow She Sparkles oraz MAC Cosmetics Studio Fix Broad Spectrum Foundation SPF(...).

Pianka nadając włosom ekstra objętość 250 ml L'Oréal Full Volume Extra
52,00 zł

Pianka nadając włosom ekstra objętość 250 ml L'Oréal Full Volume Extra

  • ProducentL'Oreal Paris
  • EAN30165120

Pianka nadając włosom ekstra pojemność L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni. Full Volume Extra 250 ml objętośĆ Ta profesjonalna pianka do włosów jest idealna dla osób, które pragną uzyskać maksymalną objętość i pełność fryzury, dodając równocześnie wytrzymałość i kontrolę. L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Pianka do włosów Full Volume Extra to postępowy towar, który gwarantuje efekt pełnego, gęstego i podniesionego włosów bez efektu obciążenia. Dzięki specjalnej formule pianki, Twoja stylizacja będzie trwała poprzez długi czas, a włosy pozostaną rozciągliwe i lekkie. Główne właściwości i korzyści tego towaru to: Maksymalna objętość: Pianka Full Volume Extra daje włosom maksymalną pojemność, podnosząc je u nasady i nadając im pełność. Twoja fryzura nabierze nowego rozmiaru, wyglądając bujnie i dynamicznie. solidność stylizacji: Formuła pianki gwarantuje długotrwałą solidność stylizacji, utrzymując fryzurę w idealnym porządku przez cały dzień. Włosy będą utrzymywać swoją objętość i podniesienie, niezależnie od warunków atmosferycznych. elastyczność i lekkość: Pianka nie obciąża włosów i pozostawia je sprężystymi i lekkimi w dotyku. Włosy nie będą wyglądać nieelastycznie ani przeciążone, co pozwoli Ci na swobodne ruchy i naturalny wygląd. Łatwa aplikacja: Niewielką ilość pianki nanieś na wilgotne włosy i równomiernie rozprowadź, skupiając się na ogół na nasadzie włosów. Następnie kontynuuj stylizację według preferencji, susząc włosy suszarką, używając lokówki albo prostownicy. Profesjonalna jakość: L'Oréal Professionnel to lubiana marka, która znana jest z wysokiej jakości swych produktów do pielęgnacji i stylizacji włosów. Dlatego też, korzystając z pianki Full Volume Extra, możesz mieć pewność, że dostajesz artykuł o rewelacyjnej jakości. Jeśli marzysz o pełnym, gęstym i podniesionym efekcie fryzury, L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Pianka do włosów Full Volume Extra jest znakomitym produktem dla Ciebie. Maksymalna pojemność Nie obciąża włosów Redukuje elektryzowanie się włosów Oto sposób zastosowania pianki do włosów L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Full Volume Extra: Przygotowanie włosów: Nanieś niewielką ilość pianki na wilgotne, wcześniej umyte włosy. Możesz delikatnie osuszyć włosy ręcznikiem, aby pozostała lekka wilgotność. Dawkowanie: Wyciśnij odpowiednią liczba pianki na dłonie. Ilość zależy od długości i gęstości włosów, więc dostosuj ją do swych indywidualnych potrzeb. Rozprowadzanie pianki: Równomiernie rozprowadź piankę na całej długości włosów, skupiając się z zasady na nasadzie i korzeniach. Pamiętaj, żeby unikać aplikowania pianki na końcach włosów, żeby uniknąć nadmiernego obciążenia. Stylizacja: Kontynuuj stylizację według preferencji. Możesz osuszać włosy suszarką, używać lokówki albo prostownicy, by uzyskać pożądany efekt pojemności i podniesienia. Pamiętaj, żeby aplikować ciepło równomiernie na całe włosy. Wykończenie: Po ukończeniu stylizacji, pozwól włosom wyschnąć i zyskać trwałość. Nie spłukuj pianki i nie rozczesuj włosów, by utrzymać efekt pojemności i pełności. Pamiętaj, aby przestrzegać instrukcji na opakowaniu produktu i przypasować ilość pianki do swych jednostkowych potrzeb i preferencji stylizacyjnych. Stosując piankę Tecni.Art Full Volume Extra, uzyskasz maksymalną pojemność, podniesienie i odporność fryzury. objętość: 250 ml Jaka jest różnica między pianką Full Volume Extra a pianką Volume Lift? L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Full Volume Extra: Ta pianka do włosów jest wykonana, żeby nadać maksymalną objętość i pełność fryzurze. Jej lekka formuła nie obciąża włosów, a jednocześnie zapewnia solidność i kontrolę. Nieprzeciętna do uzyskania efektu gęstych, bujnych włosów, dając wrażenie pełniejszej fryzury. L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Volume Lift: Ta pianka do włosów ma na celu podniesienie włosów u nasady i dodanie pojemności. Jej formuła gwarantuje długotrwały efekt uniesionych korzeni i trwałą pojemność. Pianka Volume Lift doskonale sprawdza się u osób, które chcą uzyskać efekt podniesienia włosów u nasady, zwłaszcza przy cienkich i płaskich włosach. Podsumowując, pianka do włosów L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Full Volume Extra gwarantuje maksymalną pojemność i pełność fryzury, podczas gdy pianka Volume Lift skupia się na ogół na podniesieniu włosów u nasady i dodaniu pojemności. Wybór pomiędzy tymi dwoma produktami zależy od oczekiwanego efektu i potrzeb stylizacyjnych, takich jak preferowany stopień pojemności i podniesienia. Oto kilka propozycji produktów z kategorii Tecni.Art, które można używać w połączeniu z pianką do włosów L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Full Volume Extra: [product id="801"] L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Super Dust: Ten puder do stylizacji nadaje włosom natychmiastową objętość i podniesienie. Możesz go zastosować przed aplikacją pianki Full Volume Extra, żeby uzyskać jeszcze pokaźniejszą pełność i efekt uniesionych włosów. [product id="262"] L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Web: Ta pasta modelująca nadaje włosom teksturę i separację. Możesz ją stosować przed lub po użyciu pianki Full Volume Extra, aby dodać dopełniającą definicję i strukturę swej fryzurze. [product id="263"] L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Constructor: To cieplny spray modelujący, który gwarantuje ochronę przed wysoką temperaturą podczas kreacji. Możesz go użyć przed użyciem pianki Full Volume Extra,chronić włosy przed uszkodzeniami cieplnymi i dodać trwałości swej stylizacji. Te produkty z kategorii Tecni.Art będą genialnym uzupełnieniem pianki do włosów Full Volume Extra, umożliwiając Ci dopasowanie i ulepszenie swej kreacji. Zobacz instrukcje na opakowaniu każdego artykułu, żeby uzyskać najlepsze rezultaty i cieszyć się atrakcyjnymi, gustownymi włosami.

L'oréal paris Men expert power age serum z kwasem hialuronowym 30ml
79,99 zł

L'oréal paris Men expert power age serum z kwasem hialuronowym 30ml

  • ProducentL'Oréal Paris

Innowacja na rynku męskiej pielęgnacji przeciwzmarszczkowej. Zapewnij swej skórze siłę do starzenia się w doskonałej kondycji. Poznaj pierwsze wielozadaniowe serum z kwasem hialuronowym Power Age od L’Oréal Paris Men Expert, tworzone z myślą o mężczyznach borykających się z suchą skórą pozbawioną witalności, z widocznymi oznakami starzenia. Formuła serum została wzbogacona dwoma rodzajami kwasu hialuronowego dla najwyższej skuteczności: - Makrocząsteczkowy kwas hialuronowy - pozostaje na powierzchni skóry, żeby natychmiast zapewnić efekt nawilżenia i zdrowego wyglądu skóry; - Mikrocząsteczkowy kwas hialuronowy - wnika głębiej, aby wspierać redukcję oznak starzenia. Rezultaty? Serum zapewnia potrójne działanie: 1. Optycznie redukuje zmarszczki i śladowe linie; 2. Ujędrnia skórę i przywraca napięcie konturów twarzy; 3. Długotrwale nawilża dla uczucia świeżości i poprawy tekstury skóry. Momentalnie się wchłania, nie pozostawiając tłustej ani lepkiej warstwy na skórze dla natychmiastowego komfortu. Testowane pod kontrolą dermatologiczną. Serum zamknięte jest w ciemnej butelce z pipetą. Zostało wzbogacone świeżą nutą zapachową z akordem drzewnym, która przywodzi na myśl siłę i elegancję.Sposób zastosowania: Stosuj codziennie rano i/albo wieczorem na oczyszczoną skórę twarzy przed wykorzystaniem kremu nawilżającego. Nałóż 3 krople na dłoń, rozprowadź w rękach, a następnie wmasuj w skórę twarzy znikomymi, okrężnymi ruchami. Odczekaj do całkowitego wchłonięcia się, a następnie zaaplikuj krem nawilżający.

Loreal Paris Superliner Perfect Slim Black
57,00 zł

Loreal Paris Superliner Perfect Slim Black

  • ProducentL'Oréal Paris
  • EAN3600523959877

Perfect Slim żeby Superliner posiada 0,4 mm filcowa koncówke, która pozwala na stworzenie idealnych linii, by obramowac oczy i stworzyc zdefiniowane, wyrafinowane albo intensywne spojrzenie. Miekka koncówka i intensywnie czarna formula pigmentu ulatwiaja tworzenie zdefiniowanych linii, które utrzymuja sie do 24* godzin. Nie rozmazuje sie, jest wodoodporny, latwy do pousuwacia za pomoca plynu do demakijazu. Testowane pod kontrola okulistyczna. *Samoocena, 94 osoby

Loreal Paris Men Expert Hydra Energetic
31,15 zł

Loreal Paris Men Expert Hydra Energetic

  • ProducentL'Oreal Paris
  • EAN3600520297415

Aktywny tryb życia, długie dni, niedługie noce. Nie masz nawet chwili na oddech? Twoja skóra także nie! Nie pozwól, aby na Twojej twarzy było widać zmęczenie. Zareaguj! Oddech dla skóry! Tak jak Ty Twoja skóra musi oddychać, by dostarczać swoim komórkom tlen niezbędny do produkcji codziennej dawki energii.Krem nawilżający 24h przeciw oznakom zmęczenia to jeden towar zwalczający 5 oznak zmęczenia, takich jak: zszarzała cera, cienie pod oczami, utrata komfortu, utrata elastyczności skóry, szorstkość skóry. Świeża, lekka, nietłusta i nieklejąca się konsystencja, momentalnie się wchłania, nie pozostawiając śladów na skórze. Odkryj połączenie ekstraktu z guarany, znanego z cechy pobudzających i witaminy C, która oferuje skórze dawkę energii od rana do wieczora. artykuł testowany pod kontrolą dermatologiczną. Parametry: EAN: 3600520297415 Tag: P1 Gramatura ml Konsystencja krem Linie luksusowe nie Pielęgnacja specyficzna nie pojemność 50 Płeć męski Słońce nie

Loreal Paris Infaillible Brows 48H Micro Tatouage Ink Pen Ebony 1.0, AA1616
47,00 zł

Loreal Paris Infaillible Brows 48H Micro Tatouage Ink Pen Ebony 1.0, AA1616

  • ProducentL'Oréal Paris
  • EAN3600523939206

L'Oréal Paris Infaillible Brows 48H Micro Tatouage Ink Pen hjälper dig att fylla ut dina bryn och ge färg för ett resultat som håller i upp till 48 timmar*. Vattenfast formula som inte flagnar eller kladdar. Pennspetsen har tre uddar som gör det enkelt att skapa hårliknande streck. För välvårdade bryn med fin form och färg som håller hela dagen!- 48 timmars* stadga- vattenfast, bleknar inte och smetar inte ut.*Självutvärdering, 118 personer.Användning:Applicera L'Oréal Paris Infaillible Brows 48H Micro Tatouage Ink Pen på rengjorda ögonbryn innan du applicerar foundation. Använd den treuddade spetsen för att teckna hårliknande streck diagonalt på brynet.1 g L'Oréal Paris Micro Tatouage Ink Pen 109 Ebony

L'oréal paris Loreal paris infaillible brows 48h micro tatouage ink pen auburn 6.32 (3600523939008)
64,00 zł

L'oréal paris Loreal paris infaillible brows 48h micro tatouage ink pen auburn 6.32 (3600523939008)

  • ProducentL'Oréal Paris
  • EAN3600523939008

L'Oréal Paris Infaillible Brows 48H Micro Tatouage Ink Pen hjälper dig att fylla ut dina bryn och ge färg för ett resultat som håller i upp till 48 timmar*. Vattenfast formula som inte flagnar eller kladdar. Pennspetsen har tre uddar som gör det enkelt att skapa hårliknande streck. För välvårdade bryn med fin form och färg som håller hela dagen!- 48 timmars* stadga- vattenfast, bleknar inte och smetar inte ut.*Självutvärdering, 118 personer.Användning:Applicera L'Oréal Paris Infaillible Brows 48H Micro Tatouage Ink Pen på rengjorda ögonbryn innan du applicerar foundation. Använd den treuddade spetsen för att teckna hårliknande streck diagonalt på brynet.1 g L'Oréal Paris Micro Tatouage Ink Pen 103 Dark Blond

Lancome teint idole ultra wear stick 250 bisque w 025 marki Lancôme
160,00 zł

Lancome teint idole ultra wear stick 250 bisque w 025 marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614272827929

Odkryj Teint Idole Ultra Wear od Lancôme, dlugotrwaly podklad w sztyfcie o jedwabistej konsystencji i matowym wykonczeniu, który zagwarantuje nieskazitelna skóre poprzez caly dzien. Dlugotrwala perfekcja, gdy jej Ci potrzeba! Jedwabista konsystencja naklada sie bez smug i latwo sie rozprowadza. Uzyskaj bezbłędnie wygladajaca skóre dzieki temu postępowemu pudrowemu podkladowi do makijazu, który utrzymuje sie do 24 godzin. Lekki podklad o wygodnej formule, która latwo rozprowadza sie na skórze i ukrywa niewiele znaczące niedoskonalosci. Skutkiem jest makijaz o perfekcyjnej cerze i odcieniu, który utrzymuje sie przez caly dzien. Nowe, wykwintne opakowanie, które jest latwe do przenoszenia i ma zintegrowany pedzel kabuki do podkladu, który umozliwia precyzyjna aplikacje. Stosuj Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Stick jako podklad albo korektor albo do podkreslania i konturowania. Zapewnia srednie i pelne krycie. Ten podklad o wysokim stopniu krycia jest testowany dermatologicznie i trafny dla wszelkich typów skóry (w tym dla skóry wrazliwej). Ten dlugotrwaly sztyft do makijazu moze byc wykorzystywany jako podklad, korektor, rozswietlacz lub do konturowania. Do 24 godzin trwalego, matowego pokrycia Niewiarygodnie komfortowa i dlugotrwala lekka formula podkladu o pudrowo-kremowej konsystencji Kremowa konsystencja, która latwo sie rozprowadza Naturalny, matowy wyglad z wykonczeniem bez polysku Minimalizuje widoczne por

Lancome teint idole ultra wear stick 03 beige diaphane marki Lancôme
169,00 zł

Lancome teint idole ultra wear stick 03 beige diaphane marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614272827974

Odkryj Teint Idole Ultra Wear od Lancôme, dlugotrwaly podklad w sztyfcie o jedwabistej konsystencji i matowym wykonczeniu, który pozostawia skóre nieskazitelna poprzez caly dzien. Dlugotrwala perfekcja, gdy jej potrzebujesz! Jedwabista konsystencja naklada sie bez smug i latwo sie rozprowadza. Uzyskaj nieskazitelnie wygladajaca skóre dzieki temu postępowemu pudrowemu podkladowi do makijazu, który utrzymuje sie do 24 godzin. Lekki podklad o wygodnej formule, która latwo rozprowadza sie na skórze i ukrywa nieduże niedoskonalosci. Efektem jest makijaz z nieskazitelna cera i kolorem, który utrzymuje sie przez caly dzien. Nowe, wyszukane opakowanie, które jest latwe do przenoszenia i ma zintegrowany pedzel kabuki do podkladu, który umozliwia dokładna aplikacje. Stosuj Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Stick jako podklad albo korektor albo do podkreslania i konturowania. Gwarantuje srednie i pelne krycie. Ten podklad o wysokim stopniu krycia jest testowany dermatologicznie i stosowny dla wszystkich typów skóry (w tym dla skóry wrazliwej). Ten dlugotrwaly sztyft do makijazu moze byc użytkowany jako podklad, korektor, rozswietlacz lub do konturowania. Do 24 godzin trwalego, matowego pokrycia Niewiarygodnie wygodna i dlugotrwala lekka formula podkladu o pudrowo-kremowej konsystencji Kremowa konsystencja, która latwo sie rozprowadza Naturalny, matowy wyglad z wykonczeniem bez polysku Minimalizuje widoczne por

Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Stick 02 Lys Rose
165,00 zł

Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Stick 02 Lys Rose

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614272827912

Odkryj Teint Idole Ultra Wear od Lancôme, dlugotrwaly podklad w sztyfcie o jedwabistej konsystencji i matowym wykonczeniu, który pozostawia skóre idealna przez caly dzien. Dlugotrwala perfekcja, gdy jej potrzebujesz! Jedwabista konsystencja naklada sie bez smug i latwo sie rozprowadza. Uzyskaj nieskazitelnie wygladajaca skóre dzieki temu nowoczesnemu pudrowemu podkladowi do makijazu, który utrzymuje sie do 24 godzin. Lekki podklad o komfortowej formule, która latwo rozprowadza sie na skórze i ukrywa śladowe niedoskonalosci. Rezultatem jest makijaz z perfekcyjna cera i kolorem, który utrzymuje sie przez caly dzien. Świeże, eleganckie opakowanie, które jest latwe do przenoszenia i posiada zintegrowany pedzel kabuki do podkladu, który umozliwia skrupulatna aplikacje. Stosuj Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Stick jako podklad lub korektor albo do podkreslania i konturowania. Zagwarantuje srednie i pelne krycie. Ten podklad o wysokim stopniu krycia jest testowany dermatologicznie i odpowiedni dla wszelkich typów skóry (w tym dla skóry wrazliwej). Ten dlugotrwaly sztyft do makijazu moze byc wykorzystywany jako podklad, korektor, rozswietlacz albo do konturowania. Do 24 godzin trwalego, matowego pokrycia Niewiarygodnie wygodna i dlugotrwala lekka formula podkladu o pudrowo-kremowej konsystencji Kremowa konsystencja, która latwo sie rozprowadza Naturalny, matowy wyglad z wykonczeniem bez polysku Minimalizuje widoczne por

Lancome teint idole ultra wear stick 01 beige albatre marki Lancôme
161,00 zł

Lancome teint idole ultra wear stick 01 beige albatre marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614272827868

Odkryj Teint Idole Ultra Wear od Lancôme, dlugotrwaly podklad w sztyfcie o jedwabistej konsystencji i matowym wykonczeniu, który pozostawia skóre perfekcyjna przez caly dzien. Dlugotrwala perfekcja, gdy jej Ci potrzeba! Jedwabista konsystencja naklada sie bez smug i latwo sie rozprowadza. Uzyskaj bezbłędnie wygladajaca skóre dzieki temu nowoczesnemu pudrowemu podkladowi do makijazu, który utrzymuje sie do 24 godzin. Lekki podklad o komfortowej formule, która latwo rozprowadza sie na skórze i ukrywa niewiele znaczące niedoskonalosci. Skutkiem jest makijaz o bezbłędnej cerze i kolorze, który utrzymuje sie poprzez caly dzien. Świeże, eleganckie opakowanie, które jest latwe do przenoszenia i ma zintegrowany pedzel kabuki do podkladu, który umozliwia skrupulatna aplikacje. Stosuj Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Stick jako podklad albo korektor albo do podkreslania i konturowania. Zapewnia srednie i pelne krycie. Ten podklad o wysokim stopniu krycia jest testowany dermatologicznie i adekwatny dla wszystkich typów skóry (w tym dla skóry wrazliwej). Ten dlugotrwaly sztyft do makijazu moze byc wykorzystywany jako podklad, korektor, rozswietlacz lub do konturowania. Do 24 godzin trwalego, matowego pokrycia Niewiarygodnie komfortowa i dlugotrwala lekka formula podkladu o pudrowo-kremowej konsystencji Kremowa konsystencja, która latwo sie rozprowadza Naturalny, matowy wyglad z wykonczeniem bez polysku Minimalizuje widoczne por

teint idole ultra wear korektor all over concealer 360 b marki Lancôme
114,00 zł

teint idole ultra wear korektor all over concealer 360 b marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273074636

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer to nawilżający, lekki, w pełni kryjący korektor, który rozjaśnia cienie pod oczami i kryje niedoskonałości, nie tworząc przy tym załamań ani grudek. Atrybuty Dzięki zawartości komponentów dobroczynnych dla skóry, ten wielofunkcyjny korektor zagwarantuje do 24 godzin nawilżenia i komfortu w matowym wykończeniu, dając naturalny wygląd makijażu. Wyjątkowo gęsta formuła i skrupulatny aplikator z końcówką umożliwiają zakrycie ciemnych plamek, przebarwień i zaczerwienień, nie osadzając się w zmarszczkach. Ten korektor pod oczy może być użytkowany samodzielnie albo razem z podkładem Teint Idole Ultra Wear 24H Longwear. 13,5 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Korektor All Over Concealer 360 B

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear care & glow serum concealer - kore
124,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear care & glow serum concealer - kore

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988650

NOWY KOREKTOR W SERUM OD LANCÔME, KTÓRY gwarantuje NATURALNY WYGLAD I DLUGOTRWALY blask. Nawilza i utrzymuje sie przez 24 godziny Srednie krycie, które mozna zwiekszyc, by uzyskac naturalny i zdrowy blask, który kryje, matuje, rozjasnia i liftinguje oczy i twarz. gromadzi 81% wzmacniajacego serum pielegnacyjnego dostepnego w 24 odcieniach. NIESAMOWITA FORMULA DODAJACA BLASKU Wyjatkowa formula rozswietlajaca, która nadaje skórze naturalny połysk utrzymujacy sie przez 24 godziny. Korektor Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer posiada kwas hialuronowy i ceramidy, a także nawilza skóre przez caly dzien. Ten korektor nie tylko podkresla rysy twarzy i naturalnie lapie swiatlo, lecz takze pozostaje swiezy przez caly dzien, nie blaknac i nie osadzajac sie w znikomych zmarszczkach. Dzien po dniu skóra wyglada na bardziej promienna, gladsza i czystsza. SKLADNIKI I technika 24-godzinne nawilzenie i prawdziwy lśnienie aktywowane przez 81% ujedrniajaca baze serum mieści: * Nawilzajacy kwas hialuronowy * Odzywcze ceramidy * Peptydy * ekstrakt z yuzu WSZECHSTRONNY KOREKTOR DLA KAZDEGO wyjątkowo odzywcza formula, która jest delikatna dla skóry i stosowna dla wszelkich rodzajów skóry, w tym suchej, tlustej i wrazliwej. Dostepny w 24 odcieniach Aplikator w ksztalcie rombu powoduje, ze korektor jest bardzo wszechstronny. Moze byc uzywany do: * zmatowienia i ukrycia ciemnych obszarów * starannego ukrywania i korygowania minimalnych niedoskonalosci skóry * podkreslenia makijazu oczu i twarzy * naturalnego rozjasnienia i podkreslenia luku brwiowego, nosa i ust. KORZYSCI I REZULTATY Zapytalismy kilka pań, co sadza po 1 tygodniu wykorzystywania*: ODZYWCZE DZIALANIE NA SKÓRE 88% pań uznalo, ze towar nie obciaza skóry. 78% uznalo, ze skóra jest nawilzona 85% stwierdzilo, ze ich skóra czula sie komfortowo poprzez 24 godziny. 82% stwierdzilo, ze wyglad ich skóry ulegl natychmiastowej poprawie 81% stwierdzilo, ze ich skóra wygladala na ogólnie udoskonalona po 14 dniach wykorzystywania produktu. WYNIKI MAKIJAZU 90% stwierdzilo, ze po zastosowaniu produktu skóra wyglada swiezo. 85% uwaza, ze towar zagwarantuje gladkie i równomierne wykonczenie makijazu. 84% uznalo, ze produkt zapewnia naturalny efekt makijazu. 84% uznalo, ze towar latwo sie naklada, by osiagnac pozadany efekt. 84% uznalo, ze produkt zagwarantuje krycie, które mozna budowac. 81% uznalo, ze ich skóra zyskala jasny odcien i promienny połysk. 80% uznalo, ze artykuł ukrywa nierównosci kolorytu. 79% uznalo, ze rysy ich twarzy zostaly natychmiast podkreslone. 76% uznalo, ze ich skóra wygladala na swieza i wypoczeta przez caly dzien. *W tescie konsumenckim z udzialem 139 pań. PerfekcyjnA RUTYNA ROZJASNIAJACA Stwórz genialna rutyne makijazu rozswietlajacego z Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation, żeby uzyskac pieknie swieza i naturalnie wygladajaca skóre o maksymalnym blasku. WSKAZÓWKI DOTYCZACE APLIKACJI Krok 1: Przygotuj skóre - Najpierw nalóz wygladzajace i nawilzajace serum Priming Serum na oczyszczona skóre, aby przedluzyc trwalosc podkladu i korektora. - Wygladz teksture, wklepujac ja opuszkami palców. Krok 2: Wyrównaj koloryt skóry - Nalóz śladowa ilosc podkladu Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation na strefe T, czolo, boki nosa, policzki i podbródek. Krok 3: Skoryguj odcien skóry - Ukryj cienie pod oczami i skoryguj zaczerwienienia za pomoca Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer lub Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer

teint idole ultra wear care & glow serum concealer - kore marki Lancôme
132,00 zł

teint idole ultra wear care & glow serum concealer - kore marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988513

NOWY KOREKTOR W SERUM OD LANCÔME, KTÓRY zagwarantuje NATURALNY WYGLAD I DLUGOTRWALY lśnienie. Nawilza i utrzymuje sie przez 24 godziny Srednie krycie, które mozna zwiekszyc, żeby uzyskac naturalny i zdrowy lśnienie, który kryje, matuje, rozjasnia i liftinguje oczy i twarz. zawiera 81% wzmacniajacego serum pielegnacyjnego dostepnego w 24 odcieniach. NIESAMOWITA FORMULA DODAJACA BLASKU Wyjatkowa formula rozswietlajaca, która nadaje skórze naturalny lśnienie utrzymujacy sie przez 24 godziny. Korektor Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer zawiera kwas hialuronowy i ceramidy, a także nawilza skóre przez caly dzien. Ten korektor nie tylko podkresla rysy twarzy i naturalnie lapie swiatlo, ale takze pozostaje swiezy przez caly dzien, nie blaknac i nie osadzajac sie w znikomych zmarszczkach. Dzien po dniu skóra wyglada na bardziej promienna, gladsza i czystsza. SKLADNIKI I technologia 24-godzinne nawilzenie i prawdziwy blask aktywowane poprzez 81% ujedrniajaca baze serum posiada: * Nawilzajacy kwas hialuronowy * Odzywcze ceramidy * Peptydy * ekstrakt z yuzu WSZECHSTRONNY KOREKTOR DLA KAZDEGO istotnie odzywcza formula, która jest delikatna dla skóry i trafna dla wszelkich rodzajów skóry, w tym suchej, tlustej i wrazliwej. Dostepny w 24 odcieniach Aplikator w ksztalcie rombu sprawia, ze korektor jest bardzo wszechstronny. Moze byc uzywany do: * zmatowienia i ukrycia ciemnych obszarów * starannego ukrywania i korygowania znikomych niedoskonalosci skóry * podkreslenia makijazu oczu i twarzy * naturalnego rozjasnienia i podkreslenia luku brwiowego, nosa i ust. KORZYSCI I REZULTATY Zapytalismy kilka kobiet, co sadza po 1 tygodniu używania*: ODZYWCZE DZIALANIE NA SKÓRE 88% kobiet uznalo, ze towar nie obciaza skóry. 78% uznalo, ze skóra jest nawilzona 85% stwierdzilo, ze ich skóra czula sie wygodnie poprzez 24 godziny. 82% stwierdzilo, ze wyglad ich skóry ulegl natychmiastowej poprawie 81% stwierdzilo, ze ich skóra wygladala na ogólnie ulepszona po 14 dniach użytkowania artykułu. WYNIKI MAKIJAZU 90% stwierdzilo, ze po zastosowaniu artykułu skóra wyglada swiezo. 85% uwaza, ze produkt gwarantuje gladkie i równomierne wykonczenie makijazu. 84% uznalo, ze towar zapewnia naturalny efekt makijazu. 84% uznalo, ze artykuł latwo sie naklada, aby osiagnac pozadany efekt. 84% uznalo, ze towar zagwarantuje krycie, które mozna budowac. 81% uznalo, ze ich skóra zyskala jasny odcien i promienny lśnienie. 80% uznalo, ze towar ukrywa nierównosci kolorytu. 79% uznalo, ze rysy ich twarzy zostaly natychmiast podkreslone. 76% uznalo, ze ich skóra wygladala na swieza i wypoczeta przez caly dzien. *W tescie konsumenckim z udzialem 139 kobiet. IdealnA RUTYNA ROZJASNIAJACA Stwórz perfekcyjna rutyne makijazu rozswietlajacego z Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation, aby uzyskac pieknie swieza i naturalnie wygladajaca skóre o maksymalnym blasku. WSKAZÓWKI DOTYCZACE APLIKACJI Krok 1: Przygotuj skóre - Najpierw nalóz wygladzajace i nawilzajace serum Priming Serum na oczyszczona skóre, by przedluzyc trwalosc podkladu i korektora. - Wygladz teksture, wklepujac ja opuszkami palców. Krok 2: Wyrównaj koloryt skóry - Nalóz nieznaczna ilosc podkladu Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation na strefe T, czolo, boki nosa, policzki i podbródek. Krok 3: Skoryguj odcien skóry - Ukryj cienie pod oczami i skoryguj zaczerwienienia za pomoca Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer lub Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d, LD5161
191,93 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d, LD5161

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273675857

POZA długotrwałYM UTRZYMYWANIEM SIĘ NA SKÓRZE, STAWIAMY NA PIELĘGNACJĘ. Teint Idôle Ultra Wear Care & Glow - rewolucyjna technologia podkładów neo-glow firmy Lancôme, która nadaje cerze 24-godzinny, naturalny, zdrowy blask. Podkład o przeciętnej intensywności. Dostępny w wielu odcieniach. Zawiera 82% bazy pielęgnacyjnej. Optymalny dla wszystkich rodzajów skóry, w tym suchej i wrażliwej. Sposób zastosowania: APLIKACJA PALCAMI: Osiągnij naturalny lśnienie, nakładając podkład palcami. APLIKACJA BLENDEREM: Osiągnij efekt airbrushed glow nakładając podkład gąbką. APLIKACJA PĘDZLEM: Osiągnij bezbłędny lśnienie, nakładając podkład pędzlem. 30 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d (3614273675918)
173,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d (3614273675918)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273675918

POZA długotrwałYM UTRZYMYWANIEM SIĘ NA SKÓRZE, STAWIAMY NA PIELĘGNACJĘ. Teint Idôle Ultra Wear Care & Glow - bezprecedensowa technologia podkładów neo-glow firmy Lancôme, która nadaje cerze 24-godzinny, naturalny, zdrowy blask. Podkład o średniej intensywności. Przystępny w wielu odcieniach. Gromadzi 82% bazy pielęgnacyjnej. Stosowny dla wszelkich rodzajów skóry, w tym suchej i wrażliwej. Sposób użycia: APLIKACJA PALCAMI: Osiągnij naturalny blask, nakładając podkład palcami. APLIKACJA BLENDEREM: Osiągnij efekt airbrushed glow nakładając podkład gąbką. APLIKACJA PĘDZLEM: Osiągnij bezbłędny lśnienie, nakładając podkład pędzlem. 30 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear care & glow foundation - podkład d (3614273675987)
189,89 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear care & glow foundation - podkład d (3614273675987)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273675987

POZA długotrwałYM UTRZYMYWANIEM SIĘ NA SKÓRZE, STAWIAMY NA PIELĘGNACJĘ. Teint Idôle Ultra Wear Care & Glow - rewolucyjna technologia podkładów neo-glow producenta Lancôme, która nadaje cerze 24-godzinny, naturalny, zdrowy lśnienie. Podkład o średniej intensywności. Dostępny w wielu odcieniach. Zawiera 82% bazy pielęgnacyjnej. Stosowny dla wszelkich rodzajów skóry, w tym suchej i wrażliwej. Sposób użycia: APLIKACJA PALCAMI: Osiągnij naturalny połysk, nakładając podkład palcami. APLIKACJA BLENDEREM: Osiągnij efekt airbrushed glow nakładając podkład gąbką. APLIKACJA PĘDZLEM: Osiągnij bezbłędny blask, nakładając podkład pędzlem. 30 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d

Lancôme Teint Idôle Ultra Wear Care & Glow 24H Healthy Glow Foundation 110C (3614273675826)
191,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idôle Ultra Wear Care & Glow 24H Healthy Glow Foundation 110C (3614273675826)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273675826

POZA długookresowYM UTRZYMYWANIEM SIĘ NA SKÓRZE, STAWIAMY NA PIELĘGNACJĘ. Teint Idôle Ultra Wear Care & Glow - bezprecedensowa technologia podkładów neo-glow producenta Lancôme, która nadaje cerze 24-godzinny, naturalny, zdrowy lśnienie. Podkład o średniej intensywności. Przystępny w wielu odcieniach. Zawiera 82% bazy pielęgnacyjnej. Optymalny dla wszystkich rodzajów skóry, w tym suchej i wrażliwej. Sposób użycia: APLIKACJA PALCAMI: Osiągnij naturalny blask, nakładając podkład palcami. APLIKACJA BLENDEREM: Osiągnij efekt airbrushed glow nakładając podkład gąbką. APLIKACJA PĘDZLEM: Osiągnij nieskazitelny blask, nakładając podkład pędzlem. 30 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation - podkład d

teint idole ultra wear 560c (30 ml) marki Lancôme
235,00 zł

teint idole ultra wear 560c (30 ml) marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274213973

UNSTOPPABLE, BREATHABLE FULL COVERAGE FOUNDATION FOR IMPROVED LOOKING SKIN IN 4 WEEKS*. AVAILABLE IN 50 SHADES TO ENSURE YOUR PERFECT MATCH. Unprecedented 24H full coverage made for all skin tones and all skin types from dry, sensitive, to oily skin. Never masking, never drying, never clogging. 24H LONGWEAR WITH CAREComposed of an 81% skincare base and enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Moringa. Protected with SPF35. OUR THINNEST BREATHABLE FOUNDATION Thanks to being powered aby AIRWEAR TM TECHNOLOGY, Teint Idole Ultra Wear is our thinnest, ultra-breathable foundation. This unique, blendable and fresh texture leaves skin feeling perfectly smooth and comfortable. 50 SHADES WITH INCREASED SHADE ACCURACY Since sometimes the result of dark skin or olive skin foundation shades can tend to be ashy, orange or yellow, the Lancôme laboratories have worked on improving those shades. As a result, the dark shades now contain ultramarine blue pigments, which makes the shades pure & deep and thereby avoids the ashy effects. For the olive shades, an oxide green pigment was incorporated in order to avoid yellow & orange finishes. Do you know your previous Teint Idole Ultra Wear shade? Scan the QR code and find the new shade name that suits your skin best. ULTRA LIFE-PROOF RESULTS Teint Idole Ultra Wear seamlessly covers all imperfections and is the perfect partner to take on every challenge during an intense and busy day. Tested in real life and extreme conditions for perfect performance. It now resists smudges, water, sweat, humidity, and heat. This is the best full coverage foundation for your makeup routine. *Consumer test on 180 women Use: APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin • On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation. • Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion • Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. • Stretch the material outwards from the face. • For a soft and gentle application, warm the foundation with your fingers to make it melt into your skin • For a gradual and smooth approach, sponges will help you build up coverage to your desired level. • For an ultimate full coverage, use a brush. Step 3: Correct your complexion • Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the concealer and foundation 2 in 1, Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer.30.0 ML Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 24h Longwear Foundation 560C

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear 555c (30 ml)
235,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear 555c (30 ml)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274213966

UNSTOPPABLE, BREATHABLE FULL COVERAGE FOUNDATION FOR IMPROVED LOOKING SKIN IN 4 WEEKS*. AVAILABLE IN 50 SHADES TO ENSURE YOUR PERFECT MATCH. Unprecedented 24H full coverage made for all skin tones and all skin types from dry, sensitive, to oily skin. Never masking, never drying, never clogging. 24H LONGWEAR WITH CAREComposed of an 81% skincare base and enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Moringa. Protected with SPF35. OUR THINNEST BREATHABLE FOUNDATION Thanks to being powered żeby AIRWEAR TM TECHNOLOGY, Teint Idole Ultra Wear is our thinnest, ultra-breathable foundation. This unique, blendable and fresh texture leaves skin feeling perfectly smooth and comfortable. 50 SHADES WITH INCREASED SHADE ACCURACY Since sometimes the result of dark skin or olive skin foundation shades can tend to be ashy, orange or yellow, the Lancôme laboratories have worked on improving those shades. As a result, the dark shades now contain ultramarine blue pigments, which makes the shades pure & deep and thereby avoids the ashy effects. For the olive shades, an oxide green pigment was incorporated in order to avoid yellow & orange finishes. Do you know your previous Teint Idole Ultra Wear shade? Scan the QR code and find the new shade name that suits your skin best. ULTRA LIFE-PROOF RESULTS Teint Idole Ultra Wear seamlessly covers all imperfections and is the perfect partner to take on every challenge during an intense and busy day. Tested in real life and extreme conditions for perfect performance. It now resists smudges, water, sweat, humidity, and heat. This is the best full coverage foundation for your makeup routine. *Consumer test on 180 women Use: APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin • On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation. • Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion • Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. • Stretch the material outwards from the face. • For a soft and gentle application, warm the foundation with your fingers to make it melt into your skin • For a gradual and smooth approach, sponges will help you build up coverage to your desired level. • For an ultimate full coverage, use a brush. Step 3: Correct your complexion • Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the concealer and foundation 2 in 1, Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer.30.0 ML Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 24h Longwear Foundation 555C

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear 097n (30 ml) (3614274214246)
235,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear 097n (30 ml) (3614274214246)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274214246

UNSTOPPABLE, BREATHABLE FULL COVERAGE FOUNDATION FOR IMPROVED LOOKING SKIN IN 4 WEEKS*. AVAILABLE IN 50 SHADES TO ENSURE YOUR PERFECT MATCH. Unprecedented 24H full coverage made for all skin tones and all skin types from dry, sensitive, to oily skin. Never masking, never drying, never clogging. 24H LONGWEAR WITH CAREComposed of an 81% skincare base and enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Moringa. Protected with SPF35. OUR THINNEST BREATHABLE FOUNDATION Thanks to being powered żeby AIRWEAR TM TECHNOLOGY, Teint Idole Ultra Wear is our thinnest, ultra-breathable foundation. This unique, blendable and fresh texture leaves skin feeling perfectly smooth and comfortable. 50 SHADES WITH INCREASED SHADE ACCURACY Since sometimes the result of dark skin or olive skin foundation shades can tend to be ashy, orange or yellow, the Lancôme laboratories have worked on improving those shades. As a result, the dark shades now contain ultramarine blue pigments, which makes the shades pure & deep and thereby avoids the ashy effects. For the olive shades, an oxide green pigment was incorporated in order to avoid yellow & orange finishes. Do you know your previous Teint Idole Ultra Wear shade? Scan the QR code and find the new shade name that suits your skin best. ULTRA LIFE-PROOF RESULTS Teint Idole Ultra Wear seamlessly covers all imperfections and is the perfect partner to take on every challenge during an intense and busy day. Tested in real life and extreme conditions for perfect performance. It now resists smudges, water, sweat, humidity, and heat. This is the best full coverage foundation for your makeup routine. *Consumer test on 180 women Use: APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin • On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation. • Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion • Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. • Stretch the material outwards from the face. • For a soft and gentle application, warm the foundation with your fingers to make it melt into your skin • For a gradual and smooth approach, sponges will help you build up coverage to your desired level. • For an ultimate full coverage, use a brush. Step 3: Correct your complexion • Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the concealer and foundation 2 in 1, Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer.30.0 ML Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 24h Longwear Foundation 097N

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 095w (30 ml) (3614274214239)
235,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 095w (30 ml) (3614274214239)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274214239

UNSTOPPABLE, BREATHABLE FULL COVERAGE FOUNDATION FOR IMPROVED LOOKING SKIN IN 4 WEEKS*. AVAILABLE IN 50 SHADES TO ENSURE YOUR PERFECT MATCH. Unprecedented 24H full coverage made for all skin tones and all skin types from dry, sensitive, to oily skin. Never masking, never drying, never clogging. 24H LONGWEAR WITH CAREComposed of an 81% skincare base and enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Moringa. Protected with SPF35. OUR THINNEST BREATHABLE FOUNDATION Thanks to being powered żeby AIRWEAR TM TECHNOLOGY, Teint Idole Ultra Wear is our thinnest, ultra-breathable foundation. This unique, blendable and fresh texture leaves skin feeling perfectly smooth and comfortable. 50 SHADES WITH INCREASED SHADE ACCURACY Since sometimes the result of dark skin or olive skin foundation shades can tend to be ashy, orange or yellow, the Lancôme laboratories have worked on improving those shades. As a result, the dark shades now contain ultramarine blue pigments, which makes the shades pure & deep and thereby avoids the ashy effects. For the olive shades, an oxide green pigment was incorporated in order to avoid yellow & orange finishes. Do you know your previous Teint Idole Ultra Wear shade? Scan the QR code and find the new shade name that suits your skin best. ULTRA LIFE-PROOF RESULTS Teint Idole Ultra Wear seamlessly covers all imperfections and is the perfect partner to take on every challenge during an intense and busy day. Tested in real life and extreme conditions for perfect performance. It now resists smudges, water, sweat, humidity, and heat. This is the best full coverage foundation for your makeup routine. *Consumer test on 180 women Use: APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin • On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation. • Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion • Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. • Stretch the material outwards from the face. • For a soft and gentle application, warm the foundation with your fingers to make it melt into your skin • For a gradual and smooth approach, sponges will help you build up coverage to your desired level. • For an ultimate full coverage, use a brush. Step 3: Correct your complexion • Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the concealer and foundation 2 in 1, Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer.30.0 ML Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 24h Longwear Foundation 095W

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear 090n (30 ml)
235,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra wear 090n (30 ml)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274214222

UNSTOPPABLE, BREATHABLE FULL COVERAGE FOUNDATION FOR IMPROVED LOOKING SKIN IN 4 WEEKS*. AVAILABLE IN 50 SHADES TO ENSURE YOUR PERFECT MATCH. Unprecedented 24H full coverage made for all skin tones and all skin types from dry, sensitive, to oily skin. Never masking, never drying, never clogging. 24H LONGWEAR WITH CAREComposed of an 81% skincare base and enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Moringa. Protected with SPF35. OUR THINNEST BREATHABLE FOUNDATION Thanks to being powered żeby AIRWEAR TM TECHNOLOGY, Teint Idole Ultra Wear is our thinnest, ultra-breathable foundation. This unique, blendable and fresh texture leaves skin feeling perfectly smooth and comfortable. 50 SHADES WITH INCREASED SHADE ACCURACY Since sometimes the result of dark skin or olive skin foundation shades can tend to be ashy, orange or yellow, the Lancôme laboratories have worked on improving those shades. As a result, the dark shades now contain ultramarine blue pigments, which makes the shades pure & deep and thereby avoids the ashy effects. For the olive shades, an oxide green pigment was incorporated in order to avoid yellow & orange finishes. Do you know your previous Teint Idole Ultra Wear shade? Scan the QR code and find the new shade name that suits your skin best. ULTRA LIFE-PROOF RESULTS Teint Idole Ultra Wear seamlessly covers all imperfections and is the perfect partner to take on every challenge during an intense and busy day. Tested in real life and extreme conditions for perfect performance. It now resists smudges, water, sweat, humidity, and heat. This is the best full coverage foundation for your makeup routine. *Consumer test on 180 women Use: APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin • On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation. • Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion • Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. • Stretch the material outwards from the face. • For a soft and gentle application, warm the foundation with your fingers to make it melt into your skin • For a gradual and smooth approach, sponges will help you build up coverage to your desired level. • For an ultimate full coverage, use a brush. Step 3: Correct your complexion • Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the concealer and foundation 2 in 1, Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer.30.0 ML Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear 24h Longwear Foundation 090N

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 540c (13 ml)
124,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 540c (13 ml)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988681

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered by 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated żeby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 540C

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 530W (13 ml) (3614273988674)
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 530W (13 ml) (3614273988674)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988674

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered żeby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated by an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 530W

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 520W (13 ml) (3614273988667)
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 520W (13 ml) (3614273988667)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988667

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered aby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 520W

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 505N (13 ml) (3614273988643)
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 505N (13 ml) (3614273988643)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988643

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered aby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 505N

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 450W (13 ml), LE4210
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 450W (13 ml), LE4210

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988636

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered by 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 450W

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 445n (13 ml) (3614273988629)
127,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 445n (13 ml) (3614273988629)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988629

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered aby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 445N

teint idole ultra glow concealer 430c (13 ml) marki Lancôme
124,00 zł

teint idole ultra glow concealer 430c (13 ml) marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988612

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered żeby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture by tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 430C

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 425C (13 ml), LE4207
152,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 425C (13 ml), LE4207

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988605

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered żeby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated żeby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 425C

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 420w (13 ml)
124,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 420w (13 ml)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988599

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered by 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated żeby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture by tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 420W

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 405W (13 ml) (3614273988582)
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 405W (13 ml) (3614273988582)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988582

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered żeby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated by an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 405W

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 400W (13 ml) (3614273988575)
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 400W (13 ml) (3614273988575)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988575

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered żeby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated żeby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture by tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 400W

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 335w (13 ml) (3614273988568)
124,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 335w (13 ml) (3614273988568)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988568

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered aby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 335W

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 330N (13 ml) (3614273988551)
121,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 330N (13 ml) (3614273988551)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988551

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered by 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated by an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture by tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 330N

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 325C (13 ml), LE4201
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 325C (13 ml), LE4201

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988544

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered żeby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated aby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture by tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 325C

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 305N (13 ml) (3614273988520)
124,00 zł

Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Glow Concealer 305N (13 ml) (3614273988520)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988520

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered aby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated żeby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture aby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 305N

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 105w (13 ml)
132,00 zł

Lancôme teint idole ultra glow concealer 105w (13 ml)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614273988452

NEW SERUM CONCEALER FROM LANCÔME THAT OFFERS A LONGLASTING NATURAL GLOW LOOK 24H wear & hydration. Medium buildable coverage for a natural and healthy-looking glow finish to conceal, blur, brighten & uplift eyes and face. Powered aby 81% boosting skincare serum, available in 24 shades.TOP-NOTCH SKIN-GLOW FORMULA A superior skin-glow formula that gives your complexion a supercharged natural 24h wear look. For all day hydration, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer is enriched with hyaluronic acid & ceramides. Not only does this concealer highlight your features and catches the light naturally, but it also stays fresh all day without fading or settling in fine lines. Day after day the skin looks more glowy, smoother and clearer. INGREDIENTS & TECHNOLOGY24H hydration and true radiance activated żeby an 81% boosting skincare serum base. Including: - Hydrating hyaluronic acid - Caring ceramides- Peptides - Yuzu Extract VERSATILE CONCEALER THAT IS MADE FOR ALLAn ultra-caring formula that is gentle on the skin, perfect for all skin types, including dry, oily, and sensitive skin. Available in 24 shades. Thanks to its multitasking diamond-shape applicator, this is an ultra-versatile concealer. It can be used to: - blur & conceal dark areas- precisely target & correct imperfections- uplift eye & face look - naturally brighten and highlight brow bones, nose and lips.BENEFITS & RESULTSWe asked women to tell you what they think after 1 week use*: CARE EFFECTS ON SKIN 88% said the product feels weightless on skin, 78% said the skin feel moisturized85% said skin feels comfortable for 24h 82% said skin instantly looks improved 81% said the skin looks overall improved after using the product for 14 days. MAKE UP RESULTS 90% said product feels fresh on skin upon application85% said the product provides a smooth even finish84% said the product provides a natural make up result84% said the product is easy to blend to achieve the desired result84% said the product has a buildable coverage81% said the complexion is bright, luminous and radiant80% said the product conceals color imperfections79% said the features are instantly lighted up76% said the complexion looks fresh and rested throughout the day. *In a consumer test realized on 139 women.THE PERFECT GLOW ROUTINEBuild the perfect glow routine with Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Foundation to maximize your healthy and natural glowy make-up look. APPLICATION TIPS Step 1: Prepare your skin - On previously cleansed skin, apply a dose of the smoothing and moisturizing foundation primer, Priming Serum, to prolong the hold of your foundation and concealer. - Even out the texture żeby tapping with your fingertips. Step 2: Even out your complexion - Apply a small amount of your Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation to the T-zone, forehead, sides of the nose, cheeks and chin. Step 3: Correct your complexion - Conceal your dark circles and correct your redness with the Teint Idole Ultra Wear All Over Concealer or the Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer.Use:DIAMOND SHAPE APPLICATION - Use the curvy & comfy applicator for a one-and-done swipe to blur, conceal and highlight dark areas and circles- Use the pointy tip for targeted application and zoning to enhance natural light where needed. - Use the sharp side for precise stroke to gain a naturally uplifted eye look. 13 ml Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear Care & Glow Serum Concealer 105W

Lancôme lip idôle lip shaper creamy matte lip liner lip idôle 36 (3614274195507)
117,00 zł

Lancôme lip idôle lip shaper creamy matte lip liner lip idôle 36 (3614274195507)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274195507

Lip Idôle Liner is an intensly pigmented, creamy matte lip liner with up to 8h wear* for smooth-looking lips. It has a highly blendable formula that provide an intense creamy matte color that is waterproof and feels comfortable with no tugging during application.Product specifications: -Highly pigmented -Creamy and blendlable formula -Up to 8h wear*-Waterproof -Comfortable wear *Consumer test on 103 women Use: Define your lips with Lip Idôle Lip Shaper. Sharpen before every use for maximal precision.Outline your lips starting with the corner of the top lip. For a fuller lip look, draw over the edge of your natural lip line.Wear alone: fill in your entire lips.Pair it with the matching shade of Lip Idôle Squalane-12 Butterglow™ for the perfect lip combo.Pair it with with L'Absolu Rouge lipstick for no-feathering intense color.Pair it with Juicy Tubes for juicy lips1,2 g Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner Lip Idôle 36

Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 66 Mahogany M (3614274195569)
117,00 zł

Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 66 Mahogany M (3614274195569)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274195569

Lip Idôle Liner is an intensly pigmented, creamy matte lip liner with up to 8h wear* for smooth-looking lips. It has a highly blendable formula that provide an intense creamy matte color that is waterproof and feels comfortable with no tugging during application.Product specifications: -Highly pigmented -Creamy and blendlable formula -Up to 8h wear*-Waterproof -Comfortable wear *Consumer test on 103 women Use: Define your lips with Lip Idôle Lip Shaper. Sharpen before every use for maximal precision.Outline your lips starting with the corner of the top lip. For a fuller lip look, draw over the edge of your natural lip line.Wear alone: fill in your entire lips.Pair it with the matching shade of Lip Idôle Squalane-12 Butterglow™ for the perfect lip combo.Pair it with with L'Absolu Rouge lipstick for no-feathering intense color.Pair it with Juicy Tubes for juicy lips1,2 g Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 66 Mahogany M

Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 62 Morning Es (3614274212082)
117,00 zł

Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 62 Morning Es (3614274212082)

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274212082

Lip Idôle Liner is an intensly pigmented, creamy matte lip liner with up to 8h wear* for smooth-looking lips. It has a highly blendable formula that provide an intense creamy matte color that is waterproof and feels comfortable with no tugging during application.Product specifications: -Highly pigmented -Creamy and blendlable formula -Up to 8h wear*-Waterproof -Comfortable wear *Consumer test on 103 women Use: Define your lips with Lip Idôle Lip Shaper. Sharpen before every use for maximal precision.Outline your lips starting with the corner of the top lip. For a fuller lip look, draw over the edge of your natural lip line.Wear alone: fill in your entire lips.Pair it with the matching shade of Lip Idôle Squalane-12 Butterglow™ for the perfect lip combo.Pair it with with L'Absolu Rouge lipstick for no-feathering intense color.Pair it with Juicy Tubes for juicy lips1,2 g Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 62 Morning Es

Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 60 Million-Do, LE971800
117,00 zł

Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 60 Million-Do, LE971800

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274195545

Lip Idôle Liner is an intensly pigmented, creamy matte lip liner with up to 8h wear* for smooth-looking lips. It has a highly blendable formula that provide an intense creamy matte color that is waterproof and feels comfortable with no tugging during application.Product specifications: -Highly pigmented -Creamy and blendlable formula -Up to 8h wear*-Waterproof -Comfortable wear *Consumer test on 103 women Use: Define your lips with Lip Idôle Lip Shaper. Sharpen before every use for maximal precision.Outline your lips starting with the corner of the top lip. For a fuller lip look, draw over the edge of your natural lip line.Wear alone: fill in your entire lips.Pair it with the matching shade of Lip Idôle Squalane-12 Butterglow™ for the perfect lip combo.Pair it with with L'Absolu Rouge lipstick for no-feathering intense color.Pair it with Juicy Tubes for juicy lips1,2 g Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 60 Million-Do

Lancôme lip idôle lip shaper creamy matte lip liner 53 the tea is
117,00 zł

Lancôme lip idôle lip shaper creamy matte lip liner 53 the tea is

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274195538

Lip Idôle Liner is an intensly pigmented, creamy matte lip liner with up to 8h wear* for smooth-looking lips. It has a highly blendable formula that provide an intense creamy matte color that is waterproof and feels comfortable with no tugging during application.Product specifications: -Highly pigmented -Creamy and blendlable formula -Up to 8h wear*-Waterproof -Comfortable wear *Consumer test on 103 women Use: Define your lips with Lip Idôle Lip Shaper. Sharpen before every use for maximal precision.Outline your lips starting with the corner of the top lip. For a fuller lip look, draw over the edge of your natural lip line.Wear alone: fill in your entire lips.Pair it with the matching shade of Lip Idôle Squalane-12 Butterglow™ for the perfect lip combo.Pair it with with L'Absolu Rouge lipstick for no-feathering intense color.Pair it with Juicy Tubes for juicy lips1,2 g Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 53 The Tea is

lip idôle lip shaper creamy matte lip liner 50 sheik's ro marki Lancôme
117,00 zł

lip idôle lip shaper creamy matte lip liner 50 sheik's ro marki Lancôme

  • ProducentLancôme
  • EAN3614274195514

Lip Idôle Liner is an intensly pigmented, creamy matte lip liner with up to 8h wear* for smooth-looking lips. It has a highly blendable formula that provide an intense creamy matte color that is waterproof and feels comfortable with no tugging during application.Product specifications: -Highly pigmented -Creamy and blendlable formula -Up to 8h wear*-Waterproof -Comfortable wear *Consumer test on 103 women Use: Define your lips with Lip Idôle Lip Shaper. Sharpen before every use for maximal precision.Outline your lips starting with the corner of the top lip. For a fuller lip look, draw over the edge of your natural lip line.Wear alone: fill in your entire lips.Pair it with the matching shade of Lip Idôle Squalane-12 Butterglow™ for the perfect lip combo.Pair it with with L'Absolu Rouge lipstick for no-feathering intense color.Pair it with Juicy Tubes for juicy lips1,2 g Lancôme Lip Idôle Lip Shaper Creamy Matte Lip Liner 50 Sheik's Ro


Ulubione oferty