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Pozostałe kosmetyki - Isadora, Lelo, Sisley

Musisz kupić jakieś artykuły i kosmetyki do skóry, a nie znalazłaś ich w innych kategoriach? Nic straconego, może jest właśnie tu. Znajdziesz tu kosmetyki i akcesoria przydatne przy pielęgnacji i poprawianiu stanu skóry. Przejrzyj zawartość i znajdź to czego szukasz. Jeśli chodzi o liczbę ofert, to odnajdziesz ich u nas 269509 w 245 punktach online. Obecna baza 6551 marek w tym dziale na pewno Ciebie zadowoli. W tej kategorii można wyszczególnić najbardziej uznane marki, takie jak MAC Cosmetics i *boss of toys. Często wybieranymi dostawcami ofert w tej kategorii byli Lyko PL,, a także Sklep Nabea. W dodatku na stronach produktów znajdziesz też dużo ciekawych opinii o dostępnych sklepach online. Marka MAC Cosmetics sprzedaje najczęściej MAC Cosmetics Studio Fix Studio Fix Fluid Spf 15(...), MAC Cosmetics Studio Radiance Face And Body Radiant(...) oraz MAC Cosmetics Studio Fix Every-Wear All-Over Face Pen NW25.

Face sculptor 3-in-1 palette paleta modelująca 62 cool pink 12g marki Isadora
129,99 zł

Face sculptor 3-in-1 palette paleta modelująca 62 cool pink 12g marki Isadora

  • ProducentIsaDora

Wszyscy kochamy multifunkcyjne produkty do makijażu! teraz to, co najlepsze, stało się jeszcze lepsze dzięki kremowej konsystencji, nasyconej pigmentacji i wygodnemu lusterku wewnątrz. Bez wysiłku wymodelujesz twarz, nadasz policzkom zdrowego koloru i podkreślisz rysy. Pudry występują w różnorodnych kombinacjach kolorystycznych,idealnie podkreślić różnorodne odcienie karnacji i kształty twarzy. Bogata pigmentacja łatwo się blenduje i gwarantuje równomierne krycie z satynowym wykończeniem.• Bronzer, róż i rozświetlacz - zestaw trzech pudrów w kompaktowym opakowaniu z lusterkiem• Modeluje twarz, dodaje blasku policzkom i akcentuje rysy• Bogato napigmentowana, kremowa konsystencja zagwarantuje równomierne krycie z satynowym wykończeniem• Występuje w zróżnicowanych kombinacjach kolorystycznych dla różnych kształtów twarzy i odcieni karnacji

Isadora Sculpting Brow Pen Waterproof 84 Light Brown, 113784
36,00 zł

Isadora Sculpting Brow Pen Waterproof 84 Light Brown, 113784

  • ProducentIsaDora
  • EAN7317851137841

Rzezbienie szerokich i cienkich brwi Sculpting Brow Pen niepowtarzalna, plaska i skosna koncówke aplikatora w ksztalcie trójkata - świetna do rzezbienia równocześnie szerokich, jak i cienkich brwi. Szczególnie latwy w aplikacji, ksztaltuje i wypelnia brwi za jednym pociagnieciem. ZRÓB TO: * wielka linia: uzyj plaskiej strony koncówki aplikatora, żeby nadac ksztalt i wypelnic brwi za jednym pociagnieciem. * Fine line: uzyj cienkiej strony koncówki aplikatora, aby stworzyc delikatne linie, które nasladuja naturalne wloski brwi. Nadzwyczajny do wypelnienia brwi i wydluzenia ich konturu. Zacznij i zakoncz, przeczesujac brwi dolaczona szczoteczka, żeby stworzyc naturalne, równe i idealne wykonczenie. * Waga netto: 0,2 g/.01 oz. * Unscented. * Testowane klinicznie.

Sisley phyto-teint nude 2c soft beige
351,00 zł

Sisley phyto-teint nude 2c soft beige

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311809117

Phyto-Teint Nude, bezolejowy podklad pielegnacyjny nadajacy naturalny wyglad. Gwarantuje ultra naturalny, promienny i równomierny wyglad przy lekkim kryciu. Skóra jest natychmiastowo ulepszona z subtelnym jedwabistym wykonczeniem. Tekstura skóry jest wygladzona. Skóra pozostaje nawilzona i napompowana. Male niedoskonalosci sa zamazane. Skóra z dnia na dzien staje sie piekniejsza, ma promienny lśnienie i odnowiona energie. Kompleks Vita-Light wspomaga lśnienie skóry, udoskonala jej witalnosc i energie. Plynna, swieza, lekka konsystencja nieprzeciętnie wtapia sie w skóre. Zapewnia naturalne odczucie, niezauwazalne wykonczenie i niezwykle lekkie krycie. 16 naturalnych i promiennych odcieni nadaje się do wszystkich odcieni skóry od jasnej do ciemnej. Nowa klasyfikacja ulatwia dobór odcieni: C: chlodny: rózowy podtekst N: neutralny: mieszanka rózowych i zlotych podtekstów W: cieply: zloty podtekst. Oprócz tego, ze ten najnowszej generacji krem do podkladu jest niewidoczny na skórze, posiada prawdziwe wlasciwosci pielegnacyjne, które nadaja skórze piekny połysk. Swieza i plynna konsystencja jest nad wyraz zaskakujaca, swietnie sie ja naklada i pracuje z nia.? Damian Garozzo, Sisley Makeup Artist""

Sisley Phyto-Blanc Brightening Cleansing Foam-in-Cream (125 ml)
563,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Blanc Brightening Cleansing Foam-in-Cream (125 ml)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311590503

Phyto-Blanc La Mousse intensywnie oczyszcza, rozjasnia skóre i likwiduje zanieczyszczenia. W jednym kroku usuwa wszelkie skażenia, slady zanieczyszczen i nadmiar sebum. Dziala na trzech stopniach: 1. FUNKCJA OCZYSZCZAJACA Intensywnie oczyszcza skóre i pozostawia ja czysta i swieza, pozwalajac jej ponownie oddychac. 2. FUNKCJA ROZJASNIAJACA usuwa matowa powloke na powierzchni skóry, pozostawiajac ja czystsza i gladsza. 3. WydajnA PIELEGNACJA SKÓRY Zachowuje warstwe hydrolipidowa skóry i sprawia, ze skóra jest miekka, rozciągliwa i aksamitna

IsaDora No Compromise Lightweight Matte Concealer 5NC (10 ml) (7317851244549)
50,00 zł

IsaDora No Compromise Lightweight Matte Concealer 5NC (10 ml) (7317851244549)

  • ProducentIsaDora
  • EAN7317851244549

Lekki korektor gwarantujący pełne krycie, o kremowej konsystencji umożliwiającej jego budowanie, zawierający elementy pielęgnujące skórę, o naturalnym, matowym wykończeniu.. Przebarwienia, zaczerwienienia czy oznaki zmęczenia – lekki korektor No Compromise Lightweight Matte Concealer o matowym wykończeniu udoskonala wygląd cery, gwarantując komfort i świeży wygląd. Kremowy, lekki, matowy korektor zagwarantuje krycie od średniego do pełnego, natychmiastowo rozjaśniając skórę wokół oczu, tuszując niedoskonałości, przebarwienia i zaczerwienienia. Przystępny w 10 pasujących do skóry odcieniach, o świadomie opracowanej formule, aby pasować do tonacji chłodnej, neutralnej i ciepłej.. -Kremowa formuła do nakładania warstwowego zapewnia gładki efekt drugiej skóry-długookresowy efekt, matowe krycie w stopniu od średniego do pełnego-poprawia mikrokrążenie, obniża opuchliznę pod oczami i posiada wyciągi roślinne, które stymulują produkcję kolagenu i elastyny. -Wyciągi roślinne z perskiego drzewa jedwabnego i drzewa indyjskiego poprawiają mikrokrążenie. -Stosuj jako artykuł wielozadaniowy do podkreślania rysów twarzy.-Aby uzyskać efekt świeżej, wypoczętej skóry, wybierz jaśniejszy odcień i nałóż go jednym, krótkim ruchem, początkując od wewnętrznego kącika i sięgając pod oko. Następnie wykonaj kolejny ruch, zaczynając od zewnętrznego kącika i kierując się w stronę skroni. W ten sposób stworzysz wrażenie świeżej, wypoczętej skóry poprzez rozświetlenie jej w kierunku ku górze i na zewnątrz, zamiast w dół, w kierunku policzków.. BEZ OKRUCIEŃSTWA. TESTOWANY KLINICZNIE. NIEPERFUMOWANE. PrzyjaznY WEGANOMSposób wykorzystania:Nakładaj palcami, aby zapewnić maksymalną precyzję, lub pędzlem bądź gąbką blendującą, by uzyskać gładsze, trwalsze wykończenie.10 ml IsaDora No Compromise Lightweight Matte Concealer 5NC

Isadora concealer stick 20 peach cc (7317851241203)
33,00 zł

Isadora concealer stick 20 peach cc (7317851241203)

  • ProducentIsaDora
  • EAN7317851241203

konwencjonalny korektor w sztyfcie – znakomity do punktowego korygowania problematycznych miejsc.. Drobny rozmiar,mocna siła: ten kremowy korektor w sztyfcie sprawi, że problematyczne obszary skóry staną się korzystnie ukrytą tajemnicą! Wtapia się w skórę,w całości ukryć przebarwienia, cienie i inne niedoskonałości. Dzięki miękkiej, elastycznej konsystencji gładko się rozprowadza, zatrzymując wilgoć w skórze. Szpiczasta i krągła końcówka zagwarantuje precyzję zwłaszcza w „niełatwych" miejscach wokół nosa i oczu. Teraz przystępny w pełnej gamie neutralnych odcieni,zjednoczyć się do przeróżnych odcieni skóry i chłodnych, i neutralnych i ciepłych tonów.. "-Łatwo, w całości i bezbłędnie koryguje i ukrywa niedoskonałości-Warstwowa konsystencja gładko rozprowadza się na skórze i dba o jej nawilżenie -Szpiczasta i krągła końcówka gwarantuje precyzyjną aplikację, wyjątkowo w „nieprzystępnych"" miejscach-przystępna pełna gama neutralnych odcieni,scalić się do różnorodnych tonacji i kolorów skóry". "Ekstrakt z Physalis pubescens – naturalne działanie ochronne i przeciw starzeniu się skóry Kopolimer roślinny – zagwarantuje nawilżenie".. BEZ OKRUCIEŃSTWA. TESTOWANY KLINICZNIE. NIEPERFUMOWANE. PrzychylnY WEGANOMSposób użycia:Nanieś kropkę lub przesuń aplikatorem po skórze. Lekko wmasuj artykuł opuszkami, uzyskując pożądaną warstwę kryjącą.2,25 g IsaDora Concealer Stick 20 Peach CC

Sisley Sisleÿa Le Teint 0C Vanilla
648,00 zł

Sisley Sisleÿa Le Teint 0C Vanilla

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311807106

Sisleÿa Le Teint to unikatowy, kompletny podkład odmładzający. Gwarantuje młodzieńczy wygląd zaraz po nałożeniu i utrzymuje się przez cały dzień. Po zaimplementowaniu: - cera jest pełna blasku (połączenie 2 minerałów i ultra czystych pigmentów), - skóra nabiera gładkości (unikalna baza wygładzająca), - bezbłędny makijaż utrzymuje się poprzez 8 godzin (technologia Sisley Color Expert). Formuła pielęgnacyjna podkładu łączy mnóstwo elementów aktywnych z najnowszych badań naukowych Sisleya. Jest to pomiędzy innymi ekstrakt z akacji perskiej, główny element Sisleÿa L'Intégral Anti-Âge, odpowiedzialny za energię komórkową stanowiącą źródło blasku. Skóra staje się promienna, jej koloryt wyrównuje się jednocześnie zaraz po nałożeniu, jak i dzień po dniu. Oznaki zmęczenia ustępują. Po 4 tygodniach skóra odzyskuje młodzieńczą gładkość i rozciągliwość: zmarszczki stają się mniej widoczne, cera jest nawilżona, gęstsza, wypełniona od we wnętrzu. artykuł beztłuszczowy, niekomedogenny. Optymalny do każdego typu skóry. * in vitro testSposób użycia:Rozprowadź podkład za pomocą palców. Artykuł nakładaj delikatnie wklepując w całą twarz na szyję i, w razie zapotrzebowania, na dekolt. Wygładź podkład okrężnymi ruchami inicjując od środka twarzy i przesuwając na zewnątrz. Zacznij u nasady twarzy i przesuwaj ku górze, by wygładzić linie. Wklep, aby zakończyć, by wyrównać cerę. Można na dodatek nakładać pędzlem. Sisley Sisleÿa Le Teint 0C (0R) Vanillla / Pink Beige

phyto-eye twist 18 fawn marki Sisley
190,00 zł

phyto-eye twist 18 fawn marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311870285

Phyto-Eye Twist is an all-in-one eye make-up solution: eye shadow + pencil + eyeliner. The "jumbo" tip blends and glides to color the eyelids, easily applying graphic make-up or drawing an XXL line. The skincare formula is enriched with plant-based active ingredients (Green Tea, White Lily, Camellia) and protects the delicate skin of the eyelids. The gliding, ultra-sensory, waterproof texture allows an ultra-easy application and a flawless hold all day long.Its magnetic shades enhance your look in a single twist and offer a multitude of finishes.Fun and practical, there is no need to sharpen this new zebra-look jumbo pencil.Use:Apply directly to the eyelids: - For a veil of color: apply to eyelid then blend color with fingertip. - For an intense look: directly apply color to eyelid with the pencil. - For a graphic look: use the XXL eyeliner to accentuate the lash line. All make-up styles are possible, simply vary how you apply the product to suit your mood.1,5 g Sisley Phyto-Eye Twist 18 Fawn

phyto-eye twist 19 sunset marki Sisley
190,00 zł

phyto-eye twist 19 sunset marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311870292

Phyto-Eye Twist is an all-in-one eye make-up solution: eye shadow + pencil + eyeliner. The "jumbo" tip blends and glides to color the eyelids, easily applying graphic make-up or drawing an XXL line. The skincare formula is enriched with plant-based active ingredients (Green Tea, White Lily, Camellia) and protects the delicate skin of the eyelids. The gliding, ultra-sensory, waterproof texture allows an ultra-easy application and a flawless hold all day long.Its magnetic shades enhance your look in a single twist and offer a multitude of finishes.Fun and practical, there is no need to sharpen this new zebra-look jumbo pencil.Use:Apply directly to the eyelids: - For a veil of color: apply to eyelid then blend color with fingertip. - For an intense look: directly apply color to eyelid with the pencil. - For a graphic look: use the XXL eyeliner to accentuate the lash line. All make-up styles are possible, simply vary how you apply the product to suit your mood.1,5 g Sisley Phyto-Eye Twist 19 Sunset

Sisley Le Phyto Rouge 11 Beige Tahiti
221,00 zł

Sisley Le Phyto Rouge 11 Beige Tahiti

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311703422

Le Phyto Rouge to pielęgnacyjna pomadka o stanowczo jedwabistej formule, która otula usta delikatną, wygładzającą, konturującą i nawilżającą warstwą. Dzięki zawartości kompleksu Hydrobooster, w którego skład wchodzi Kwas Hialuronowy i Konjac Glucomannans, usta są ekspresowo wypełnione, wygładzone i ponętne. Przy regularnej aplikacji Le Phyto Rouge chroni młodzieńczy wygląd ust: koktajl olejków gwarantuje odżywienie, sprężystość i sprężystość. Z każdym dniem usta stają się bardziej sprężyste i miękkie. Nowej generacji formuła żelu nałożona na usta wtapia się w nie niczym fluid i zapewnia uczucie nieprzeciętnego, długookresowego komfortu. kompozycja wyjątkowo czystych pigmentów bezzwłoczny efekt kolorystyczny i ultraświetliste wykończenie. Produkt dostępny jest w palecie 2 odcieni – od najszczególniej naturalnych cielistych po najbardziej intensywne – przypasowane do wszystkich tonacji skóry. Magnetyczne opakowanie pomadki, przystrojone pasami zebry, jest zarazem wykwintne i postępowe. Sztyft pomadki został trafnie wyprofilowany, żeby zapewnić delikatną i precyzyjną aplikację.Sposób użycia:Aplikuj pomadkę bezpośrednio na usta albo za pomocą pędzelka (np. Phyto-Lèvres). Pomadkę Le Phyto Rouge można ponadto nanosić opuszkiem palca, aby uzyskać delikatniejszy efekt. Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 11 Beige Tahiti

Sisley le phyto rouge 24 rose santa fe
221,00 zł

Sisley le phyto rouge 24 rose santa fe

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311703507

Le Phyto Rouge to pielęgnacyjna pomadka o wyjątkowo jedwabistej formule, która otula usta delikatną, wygładzającą, konturującą i nawilżającą warstwą. Dzięki zawartości kompleksu Hydrobooster, w którego skład wchodzi Kwas Hialuronowy i Konjac Glucomannans, usta są szybko wypełnione, wygładzone i ponętne. Przy regularnej aplikacji Le Phyto Rouge chroni młodzieńczy wygląd ust: koktajl olejków gwarantuje odżywienie, rozciągliwość i sprężystość. Z każdym dniem usta stają się bardziej sprężyste i miękkie. Nowej generacji formuła żelu nałożona na usta wtapia się w nie niczym fluid i zagwarantuje uczucie nieporównanego, długofalowego komfortu. kompozycja wyjątkowo czystych pigmentów momentalny efekt kolorystyczny i ultraświetliste wykończenie. Artykuł przystępny jest w palecie 2 odcieni – od najszczególniej naturalnych cielistych po najszczególniej intensywne – przypasowane do wszystkich tonacji skóry. Magnetyczne opakowanie pomadki, ozdobione pasami zebry, jest zarazem szykowne i progresywne. Sztyft pomadki został optymalnie wyprofilowany, aby zapewnić delikatną i staranną aplikację.Sposób użycia:Aplikuj pomadkę bezpośrednio na usta albo przy pomocy pędzelka (np. Phyto-Lèvres). Pomadkę Le Phyto Rouge można w dodatku nanosić opuszkiem palca, aby uzyskać delikatniejszy efekt. Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 24 Rose Santa Fe

Sisley Le Phyto Rouge 12 Beige Bali
221,00 zł

Sisley Le Phyto Rouge 12 Beige Bali

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311703439

Le Phyto Rouge to pielęgnacyjna pomadka o szczególnie jedwabistej formule, która otula usta delikatną, wygładzającą, konturującą i nawilżającą powłoką. Dzięki zawartości kompleksu Hydrobooster, w którego skład wchodzi Kwas Hialuronowy i Konjac Glucomannans, usta są momentalnie wypełnione, wygładzone i ponętne. Przy regularnej aplikacji Le Phyto Rouge broni młodzieńczy wygląd ust: koktajl olejków zapewnia odżywienie, rozciągliwość i rozciągliwość. Z każdym dniem usta stają się bardziej elastyczne i miękkie. Nowej generacji formuła żelu nałożona na usta wtapia się w nie niczym fluid i zapewnia uczucie niespotykanego, długofalowego komfortu. kompozycja bardzo czystych pigmentów błyskawiczny efekt kolorystyczny i ultraświetliste wykończenie. Artykuł dostępny jest w palecie 2 odcieni – od najistotniej naturalnych cielistych po najszczególniej intensywne – dobrane do wszystkich tonacji skóry. Magnetyczne opakowanie pomadki, ozdobione pasami zebry, jest zarazem wyszukane i innowacyjne. Sztyft pomadki został adekwatnie wyprofilowany, by zapewnić delikatną i staranną aplikację.Sposób zastosowania:Aplikuj pomadkę bezpośrednio na usta albo przy pomocy pędzelka (np. Phyto-Lèvres). Pomadkę Le Phyto Rouge można w dodatku nanosić opuszkiem palca, by uzyskać delikatniejszy efekt. Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 12 Beige Bali

le phyto-rouge 16 beige beijing (3,4 g) marki Sisley
221,00 zł

le phyto-rouge 16 beige beijing (3,4 g) marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311703651

Le Phyto Rouge is a care lipstick with an ultra-silky texture that envelops the lips with a fine, smoothing, contouring and hydrating film.Thanks to the "Hydrobooster Complex" composed of microspheres of Hyaluronic Acid and Konjac Glucomannans, lips are immediately plumped up, voluptuous and smoothed. With repeated applications, Le Phyto Rouge preserves the youthfulness of lips: a cocktail of enhancing oils provides nutrition, suppleness and elasticity. Day after day, lips are more suple, softer, more elastic. Its new-generation gel texture blends into the lips upon contact like a fluid and provides a sensation of incomparable, lasting comfort. A combination of ultra-pure pigments provides an immediate color impact and an ultra-luminous finish. Available in a palette of 20 radiant shades, from the most natural nudes to the most vibrant shades, adapted to all skin tones. Its zebra-striped, magnetic case, both elegant and modern, contains a faceted bullet for fine and precise application. Use:Apply the lipstick directly onto the lips or with a lip brush (the Phyto-Lèvres Perfect lip brush for example). May be applied with a fingertip for a lighter stained effect.3,4 g Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 16 Beige Beijing

le phyto-rouge 44 rouge hollywood (3,4 g) marki Sisley
221,00 zł

le phyto-rouge 44 rouge hollywood (3,4 g) marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311703675

Le Phyto Rouge is a care lipstick with an ultra-silky texture that envelops the lips with a fine, smoothing, contouring and hydrating film.Thanks to the "Hydrobooster Complex" composed of microspheres of Hyaluronic Acid and Konjac Glucomannans, lips are immediately plumped up, voluptuous and smoothed. With repeated applications, Le Phyto Rouge preserves the youthfulness of lips: a cocktail of enhancing oils provides nutrition, suppleness and elasticity. Day after day, lips are more suple, softer, more elastic. Its new-generation gel texture blends into the lips upon contact like a fluid and provides a sensation of incomparable, lasting comfort. A combination of ultra-pure pigments provides an immediate color impact and an ultra-luminous finish. Available in a palette of 20 radiant shades, from the most natural nudes to the most vibrant shades, adapted to all skin tones. Its zebra-striped, magnetic case, both elegant and modern, contains a faceted bullet for fine and precise application. Use:Apply the lipstick directly onto the lips or with a lip brush (the Phyto-Lèvres Perfect lip brush for example). May be applied with a fingertip for a lighter stained effect.3,4 g Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 44 Rouge Hollywood

Sisley Blur Expert 0 Light
369,00 zł

Sisley Blur Expert 0 Light

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311830524

Blur Expert is a perfecting smoothing powder veil that is exceptionally fine for illuminating and beautifying the skin, thanks to ultra-high performance make-up key ingredients:- The “Light matte HD complex” ensures an equally matte and ultra-luminous finish. Enriched with an ultra-pure, flawless mica and an ultra-smoothing high-tech powder, it allows for excellent light reflection for a very natural, perfect skin result.- Cutting-edge active ingredients ensures perfect make-up under any circumstance: optimal wear, perfect adherence, and colour match.Its transparent and ultra-light texture melts into the skin and creates an enhancing veil for a second-skin effect with a very natural result.No powdery finish.Beautified skin for a flawless finish. A perfect skin effect. A fresh and even complexion. Illuminates the complexion naturally while remaining invisible.Acts instantly, like an “Instagram” filter:-Visibly smoothes wrinkles and fine lines-Smoothes skin texture-Reduces the appearance of pores-Blurs imperfections-MattifiesUse:Use with a large brush* to apply all over the face.For more coverage, focus on the areas that need blurring.Can be used on bare skin, on its own, or after a primer for a luminous, fresh and natural result. Can be applied after foundation to perfect the make-up.For touch-ups during the day to mattify, smooth, and beautify.11 g Sisley Blur Expert 0 Light

Sisley sisleÿa le teint 2n ivory beige / light
648,00 zł

Sisley sisleÿa le teint 2n ivory beige / light

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311807250

Sisleÿa Le Teint to unikatowy, kompletny podkład odmładzający. Zapewnia młodzieńczy wygląd zaraz po nałożeniu i utrzymuje się przez cały dzień. Po zastosowaniu: - cera jest pełna blasku (połączenie 2 minerałów i ultra czystych pigmentów), - skóra nabiera gładkości (unikalna baza wygładzająca), - bezbłędny makijaż utrzymuje się poprzez 8 godzin (technologia Sisley Color Expert). Formuła pielęgnacyjna podkładu łączy mnóstwo części aktywnych z najnowszych badań naukowych Sisleya. Jest to między innymi ekstrakt z akacji perskiej, główny element Sisleÿa L'Intégral Anti-Âge, odpowiedzialny za energię komórkową stanowiącą źródło blasku. Skóra staje się promienna, jej koloryt wyrównuje się jednocześnie zaraz po nałożeniu, jak i dzień po dniu. Oznaki zmęczenia ustępują. Po 4 tygodniach skóra odzyskuje młodzieńczą gładkość i elastyczność: zmarszczki stają się mniej widoczne, cera jest nawilżona, gęstsza, wypełniona od we wnętrzu. artykuł beztłuszczowy, niekomedogenny. Stosowny do każdego typu skóry. * in vitro testSposób użycia:Rozprowadź podkład za pomocą palców. Produkt nakładaj delikatnie wklepując w całą twarz na szyję i, w razie potrzeby, na dekolt. Wygładź podkład okrężnymi ruchami zaczynając od środka twarzy i przesuwając na zewnątrz. Zacznij u nasady twarzy i przesuwaj ku górze, by wygładzić linie. Wklep, aby zakończyć, aby wyrównać cerę. Można w dodatku nakładać pędzlem. Sisley Sisleÿa Le Teint 2N Ivory Beige / Light

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 000N Snow
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 000N Snow

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806307

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 000N Snow

phyto-teint perfection 00c swan marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 00c swan marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806314

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 00C Swan

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 0W Porcelaine
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 0W Porcelaine

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806369

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered żeby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 0W Porcelaine

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 00w shell
397,00 zł

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 00w shell

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806338

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 00W Shell

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2C Soft beige
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2C Soft beige

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806406

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2C Soft beige

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 3w2 hazel
397,00 zł

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 3w2 hazel

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806451

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 3W2 Hazel

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 4N Biscuit
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 4N Biscuit

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806475

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 4N Biscuit

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 3N Apricot
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 3N Apricot

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806444

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 3N Apricot

phyto-teint perfection 5c golden marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 5c golden marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806499

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered żeby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 5C Golden

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 6c amber
397,00 zł

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 6c amber

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806529

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6C Amber

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2W2 Desert
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2W2 Desert

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806420

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2W2 Desert

phyto-teint perfection 5n pecan marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 5n pecan marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806505

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 5N Pecan

Sisley Express Flower Gel (60ml), 142000
546,00 zł

Sisley Express Flower Gel (60ml), 142000

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311420008

Express flower gel — ekspresowa maseczka z wydobywami kwiatowymi to wyjątkowo odświeżająca, nawilżająca i tonizująca maseczka o konsystencji kremowo-żelowej. Czysta przyjemność dla odwodnionej, pozbawionej witalności i zmęczonej skóry. Dzięki wysokiej zawartości aktywnych części nawilżających (wyciągi z lilii i irysa) i regenerujących (wyciąg z sezamu) nawilża, tonizuje, likwiduje oznaki zmęczenia i stresu, wygładza rysy twarzy i wyrównuje cerę zaledwie w 3 minuty.Sposób użycia:Nakładać 2–3 razy w tygodniu na oczyszczoną i suchą skórę twarzy i szyi, nie zapominając o okolicach oczu. Zostawić na 3 minuty, a następnie usunąć nadmiar preparatu. Bez spłukiwania. Doskonale nadaje się do używania przed wieczornym wyjściem: natychmiast po zaimplementowaniu twarz wygląda na wypoczętą. Sisley Express Flower Gel 60 ml

Sisley Masque Contour des Yeux Lissant Express antiaging_pflege 30.0 ml, 142100
550,00 zł

Sisley Masque Contour des Yeux Lissant Express antiaging_pflege 30.0 ml, 142100

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311421005

Maseczka do okolic oczu Masque Contour des Yeux to ekspresowa maseczka wygładzająca o działaniu niwelującym opuchnięcia pod oczami, opracowana specjalnie do wrażliwych okolic oczu. Dzięki specyficznemu połączeniu substancji roślinnych (miłorząb japoński, arnika, kasztanowiec, lipa), witamin (prowitamina B5 i octan witaminy E) i mikroelementów (malachit i chlorella) działa zaledwie w 10 minut, nawilża i zmniejsza oznaki zmęczenia: – drobne zmarszczki wokół oczu są wyraźnie wygładzone – cienie i przebarwienia pod oczami są wyraźnie zmniejszone – naturalna ochrona skóry wokół oczu jest usztywniona. Oryginalna konsystencja „gel-patch" tej maseczki pozostawia po usunięciu preparatu niewidzialną i wyjątkowo delikatną powłokę, która nie przestaje działać. Tolerancja na produkt testowana dermatologicznie i okulistycznie. Niewiele znaczące zmarszczki wokół oczu są wyraźnie zredukowane, a skóra wokół oczu i na powiekach — wygładzona. W ciągu 10 minut delikatna skóra wokół oczu jest odświeżona, a widoczne oznaki zmęczenia stają się mniej wyraźne.

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 4c honey
397,00 zł

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 4c honey

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806468

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 4C Honey

phyto-teint perfection 7c moka marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 7c moka marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806550

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 7C Moka

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 8C Cappuccino
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 8C Cappuccino

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806574

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered żeby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 8C Cappuccino

phyto-teint perfection 7n caramel marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 7n caramel marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806567

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 7N Caramel

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 8N Espresso
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 8N Espresso

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806581

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 8N Espresso

phyto-teint perfection 5w toffee marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 5w toffee marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806512

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered żeby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 5W Toffee

phyto-teint perfection 4w cinnamon marki Sisley
397,00 zł

phyto-teint perfection 4w cinnamon marki Sisley

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806482

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 4W Cinnamon

Sisley Phyto-Sourcils Design 2 Chatain/Chestnut, 187522
247,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Sourcils Design 2 Chatain/Chestnut, 187522

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311875228

Phyto-Sourcils Design to profesjonalna kredka do brwi składająca się z 3 części. 1- szczoteczka do układania brwi 2- trójkątny wierzchołek do dokładnego definiowania, modelowania i wypełniania wszystkich rodzajów brwi – cienkich lub grubych 3- gąbeczka z rozświetlaczem asygnowana do używania pod łukiem brwiowym dla ulepszania makijażu brwi i rozświetlania oczu Struktura wierzchołka – gładko sunąca i przyczepna, zezwala na fachową aplikację. Efekt makijażu można wzmacniać: od najszczególniej naturalnego po bardziej intensywny, żeby uzyskać linię, której kształt można zmieniać, jak tylko zechcesz. Gąbeczka pokryta pudrem rozświetlajacym zezwala na nałożenie optymalnej ilości artykułu pod łukiem brwiowym. Kredka Phyto-Sourcils Design jest wytrzymała na wycieranie, dzięki czemu kształt brwi pozostaje perfekcyjny poprzez cały dzień. Wzbogacony aktywnymi składnikami pielęgnacyjnymi (wosk akacjowy i olejek kameliowy), pielęgnuje delikatną skóę. Badania oftalmologiczne pokazały,produkt jest należycie tolerowany przez skórę.Sposób użycia:Unieść brwi do góry. Użyj trójkątnej końcówki, by na nowo zdefiniować, wymodelować i wypełnić brwi. Rozetrzyj szczotką zgodnie z kierunkiem wzrostu włosów. Nałóż odrobinę rozświetlacza pod łuk brwiowy,rozjaśnić okolice oczu. Nakładaj samodzielnie, żeby uzyskać wspaniały zarys albo przed Phyto-Sourcils Fix, aby ujarzmić brwi i uzyskać profesjonalny efekt. Sisley Phyto-Sourcils Design 2 Chestnut

Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 200 Rose Zanzibar (3,4 g) (3473311703668)
221,00 zł

Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 200 Rose Zanzibar (3,4 g) (3473311703668)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311703668

Le Phyto Rouge is a care lipstick with an ultra-silky texture that envelops the lips with a fine, smoothing, contouring and hydrating film.Thanks to the "Hydrobooster Complex" composed of microspheres of Hyaluronic Acid and Konjac Glucomannans, lips are immediately plumped up, voluptuous and smoothed. With repeated applications, Le Phyto Rouge preserves the youthfulness of lips: a cocktail of enhancing oils provides nutrition, suppleness and elasticity. Day after day, lips are more suple, softer, more elastic. Its new-generation gel texture blends into the lips upon contact like a fluid and provides a sensation of incomparable, lasting comfort. A combination of ultra-pure pigments provides an immediate color impact and an ultra-luminous finish. Available in a palette of 20 radiant shades, from the most natural nudes to the most vibrant shades, adapted to all skin tones. Its zebra-striped, magnetic case, both elegant and modern, contains a faceted bullet for fine and precise application. Use:Apply the lipstick directly onto the lips or with a lip brush (the Phyto-Lèvres Perfect lip brush for example). May be applied with a fingertip for a lighter stained effect.3,4 g Sisley Le Phyto-Rouge 200 Rose Zanzibar

Sisley blur expert perfecting smoothing powder (3473311830517)
369,00 zł

Sisley blur expert perfecting smoothing powder (3473311830517)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311830517

Blur Expert to idealnie wygładzający puder, który nieprzeciętnie nadaje się do ROZŚWIETLANIA I UPIĘKSZANIA ULTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE gwarantuje: - Matowe i jasne wykończenie. Wzbogacony ultra czystą, nieskazitelną miką i ultra-wygładzającym, innowacyjnym technicznie pudrem, umożliwia wspaniałe odbicie światła dla szczególnie naturalnego, doskonałego efektu skóry. - Najnowocześniejsze komponenty aktywne znakomity makijaż w każdych okolicznościach: trafne noszenie, doskonałe przyleganie i przypasowanie koloru. Jego krystaliczna i ultralekka konsystencja wtapia się w skórę i wytwarza wzmacniającą warstwę, która gwarantuje efekt drugiej skóry z szczególnie naturalnym wykończeniem bez pudrowości. klarowny, uniwersalny odcień pasuje do każdego typu skóry.Sposób wykorzystania:Może być używany samodzielnie na gołą skórę lub po podkładzie dla nadania rozświetlonego, świeżego i naturalnego efektu. Można nakładać po nałożeniu podkładu, by udoskonalić makijaż. Do poprawek w ciągu dnia w celu zmatowienia, wygładzenia i upiększenia. Sisley Blur Expert 1 Beige

Sisley Targeted Dark Spot Corrector (7 ml) (3473311592309)
632,00 zł

Sisley Targeted Dark Spot Corrector (7 ml) (3473311592309)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311592309

An ultra-precise anti-dark spot corrector with a patented complex*, the Targeted Dark Spot Corrector reduces the appearance of all types of dark spots due to aging, sun or skin imperfections after 15 days. For the first time**, its powerful brightening formula targets older and extended dark spots that are particularly difficult to diminish.A double intensive action to reveal even and radiant skin:1. Brightening actionThe perfect combination of a patented complex* and natural-origin key ingredients reduces the size and intensity of all dark spots (due to aging, sun or skin imperfections) while fighting against the progression of recent dark spots.Skin is unified and the complexion is more even and radiant.2. Targeted action on older and extended dark spotsThe truly expert Meadow Bistort extract was specifically selected to fight against the appearance of older dark spots. Left less intense and less extensive, they are significantly less visible at the skin’s surface.Its fine, slightly iridescent emulsion texture instantly reduces the appearance of dark spots and leaves a luminous, non-greasy finish.With its innovative applicator brush, the Targeted Dark Spot Corrector perfectly targets all dark spots on the face, neck, décolleté, and hands.A universal dark spot correction solution suitable for all skin types, genders, ages, and skin tones. From 15 days, dark spots appear smaller and their intensity reduced. Day after day, dark spots fade, including older and extensive dark spots. The complexion is more even and uniform and reveals new-found radiance.The PET bottle has been designed to be recycled.*Patented in France**At SisleyUse:Apply morning and evening using the precision tip, targeting the dark spot directly. Massage the product into the dark spot for a few seconds using the tip or a finger to help the product absorb. Continue aby applying the daily serum. High sun protection is essential to prevent new dark spots from appearing.7 ml Sisley Targeted Dark Spot Corrector 7 ml

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 1C Petal (3473311806376)
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 1C Petal (3473311806376)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806376

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 1C Petal

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 2n1 sand (3473311806413)
397,00 zł

Sisley phyto-teint perfection 2n1 sand (3473311806413)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806413

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 2N1 Sand

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6N Sandalwood, 180653
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6N Sandalwood, 180653

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806536

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6N Sandalwood

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 1W1 Ecru, 180639
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 1W1 Ecru, 180639

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806390

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered by the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 1W1 Ecru

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6W Chestnut (3473311806543)
397,00 zł

Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6W Chestnut (3473311806543)

  • ProducentSisley
  • EAN3473311806543

Perfect complexion today, perfect skin overtimeSkincare and make-up as one. Phyto-Teint Perfection is a high-coverage, mattifying foundation powered aby the Ideal Skin Complex to improve skin quality with each application.By identifying the external factors that impact the quality of the skin and cause irregularities and other complexion flaws, Sisley’s laboratories were able to develop a cutting-edge complex that delivers impressive results, combining 3 essential actions for all skin types:Hydrates the skin immediately and intenselySmooths the skin textureIlluminates the complexionInstantly, skin texture is smoothed and refined; with each application, the skin appears plumped and imperfections are less visible.Phyto-Teint Perfection foundation gives a naturally radiant matte finish. Its ultra long-lasting, transfer-proof formula has an undetectable texture, for flawless skin and day-long comfort.Offering medium to high, buildable coverage with no cakey effect, Phyto-Teint Perfection blurs imperfections and minimizes pores. The complexion appears enhanced and more even – in a word: perfect.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to suit all skin colours.Phyto-Teint Perfection is non comedogenic. Use: 3 ways to apply, 3 levels of coverage:Use the KABUKI BRUSH for a quick and easy medium coverage:Buff the foundation into the skin with gentle circular motions from the center of the face outwards.Use the FLUID FOUNDATION BRUSH for precise application and high coverage:Use sweeping motions, starting in the middle of the face and working outwards to cover the entire face.Use your FINGERS for targeted application and a natural effect:Use a tapping motion on areas you want to cover then blend with a smoothing movement.This foundation is available in a wide range of shades to adapt to all skins. The Phyto-Teint Perfection range has 11 intensity levels to suit all skin colours, from 000 the lightest to 8 the darkest. Once you’ve found your intensity, the range is divided into undertones, cold (C) neutral (N) or warm (W), which refers to whether your skin has more pink or yellow tones.You can use the Shade Finder tool to help you find the right shade.30 ml Sisley Phyto-Teint Perfection 6W Chestnut


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