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Rok wydania
It. Es, englische Ausgabe King, Stephen
76,49 zł

It. Es, englische Ausgabe King, Stephen

  • ISBN9781444707861
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorStephen King
  • WydawnictwoHodder And Stoughton

Now with a stunning new cover look, King's classic No. 1 bestseller and the basis for the massively successful films It: Chapter One and It: Chapter Two as well as the inspiration for HBO Max's upcoming Welcome to Derry. We all float down here. Derry, Maine is just an ordinary town: familiar, well-ordered for the most part, a good place to live. It is a group of children who see - and feel - what makes Derry so horribly different. In the storm drains, in the sewers, IT lurks, taking on the shape of every nightmare, each one's deepest dread. Sometimes IT appears as an evil clown named Pennywise and sometimes IT reaches up, seizing, tearing, killing... Time passes and the children grow up, move away and forget. Until they are called back, once more to confront IT as IT stirs and coils in the sullen depths of their memories, emerging again to make their past nightmares a terrible present reality. Tytuł Itn wer. Angielska Autor Stephen King Wydawnictwo Hodder & Stoughton EAN 9781444707861 ISBN 9781444707861 Kategoria Języki obce\Literatura Obcojęzyczna liczba stron 1088 Format 13x19.8x4.7 cm Rok wydania 2011 Oprawa Miękka Wydanie 1 Waga 0.738 kg


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