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Rok wydania
Chopin's Poland
44,88 zł

Chopin's Poland

  • ISBN9788361142560
  • Oprawakartonowa
  • AutorEwa Sławińska-Dahlig,Marita Alban-Juarez
  • WydawnictwoNarodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina

Described here are the places where Chopin lived, stayed on his summer holidays or visited in passing. Each of the chapters – devoted to the regions of Mazovia, Wielkopolska, Malopolska, etc. – relates the circumstances surrounding the composer's stay and describes the history and the current state of the location (building).Most amply discussed are the parts of Warsaw connected with Chopin. The identification of numerous buildings has made it possible to outline the routes of daily walks or 'Chopin trails'.The guidebook contains reproductions of almost fifty historical illustrations from the first half of the nineteenth century, three maps and around one hundred photographs taken specially for this publication.The historical information is the work of Marita Albán Juárez, whilst the contemporary strands and the rich photographic documentation are provided by Ewa Sławinska-Dahlig.Podtytuł: A guidebook to places associated with the composerISBN: 9788361142560Kod paskowy: 9788361142560Autorzy: Alban Juarez Marita, Sławińska-Dahlig EwaTłumaczenie: Comber JohnWydanie: 2Rok wydania: 2010Kod wydawcy: 31488Miejscowość: Warszawaliczba stron: 236Oprawa: KartonowaPKWiU: 58.11.1Format: 15.0x22.5cmGłębokość (mm): 15Waga: 0.54Języki: angielskiGrupa towarowa: Książka


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