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Rok wydania
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves + CD - Mitchell H.Q. - książka
29,63 zł

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves + CD - Mitchell H.Q. - książka

  • ISBN9789604432912
  • Oprawabroszurowa
  • AutorH. Q. Mitchell
  • WydawnictwoMM Publications

Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. Primary Reader. Poziom 4Ali Baba przypadkiem odkrywa skarb czterdziestu rozbójników i staje się nad wyraz bogaty. Niestety, będzie miał niemało kłopotów, kiedy złodzieje wrócą po swoje bogactwa. Jednak Ali Baba w zaskakujący sposób potrafi przechytrzy wrogów.Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves jest to adaptacja jednej z najsłynniejszych baśni ze zbioru "Tysiąca i jednej nocy"Ta uproszczona lektura perfekcyjnie nadaje się do nauki słówek i podstawowych struktur gramatycznych. Dzięki załączonej płycie CD uczeń rozwija umiejętności słuchania i rozumienia w języku angielskim, zarówno w brytyjskiej jak i amerykańskiej wersji językowej.linia Primary Readers zawiera:sześć precyzyjnie dobranych stopni skierowanych do najmłodszych uczniów,podstawowe struktury gramatyczne i podstawowy zasób słownictwa,zintegrowane z tekstem interesujące ilustracje na każdej stronie,proste ćwiczenia i słowniczek obrazkowy po każdych czterech stronach,piosenki,instrukcje upraszczające odegranie scenek poprzez dzieci.sprawdź także pozostałe publikacje z serii dla innych stopni innowacyjnia:Jasper's Pot of Gold. Poziom 1The Fox and the Dog. Poziom 2Jingle's Christmas Adventure. Poziom 3The Short-necked Giraffe. Poziom 4Gulliver in Lilliput. Poziom 6

Pippa and Pop 1 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)
59,41 zł

Pippa and Pop 1 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)

  • ISBN9781108928281
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson,Colin Sage
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned aby the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop 3 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael
64,89 zł

Pippa and Pop 3 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael

  • ISBN9781108928489
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned żeby the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)
59,41 zł

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)

  • ISBN9781108928410
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson,Colin Sage
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop Level 3 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)
59,41 zł

Pippa and Pop Level 3 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)

  • ISBN9781108928496
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson,Colin Sage
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael
64,89 zł

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael

  • ISBN9781108928403
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Back to the Dreamtime SB MM PUBLICATIONS H.Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni
25,42 zł

Back to the Dreamtime SB MM PUBLICATIONS H.Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

  • ISBN9789607955760
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorH. Q. Mitchell
  • WydawnictwoMM Publications

W tej współczesnej historii Richard, nastoletni aborygeński chłopiec wychowany w białym australijskim społeczeństwie, jest zmuszony pogodzić się ze swoją przeszłością poprzez siły pozostające poza jego kontrolą. Czytelnicy dołączą do Richarda, jego brata i jego najkorzystniejszego przyjaciela w podróż...

Go Movers Students Book + CD - Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni - książka
43,67 zł

Go Movers Students Book + CD - Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni - książka

  • ISBN9786180519433
  • Oprawabroszurowa
  • AutorH. Q. Mitchell,Marileni Malkogianni
  • WydawnictwoMM Publications

Go Movers is a course preparing students for the YLE Tests.key features 14 topic-based Units practising Grammar and Vocabulary through activities in the format of the YLE Starters / Movers / Flyers Tests Four tests in a reduced format One Final Test in the exact layout of the Test Object Cards cut-outs An alphabetical Word List at the back of the Student?s Book Teacher?s notes (included in the 2nd Class CD/CD-ROM)


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