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Rok wydania
The Last Wish: Witcher 1: Introducing the Witcher Andrzej Sapkowski
31,33 zł

The Last Wish: Witcher 1: Introducing the Witcher Andrzej Sapkowski

  • ISBN9781473226401
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorAndrzej Sapkowski
  • WydawnictwoGollancz

Sprzedawane książki są OUTLETEM czyli mają delikatne uszkodzenia mechaniczne (zagięta, przetarta okładka). Towar z tej kategorii nie podlega zamianie na towar pełnowartościowy. Introducing Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show. Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good... And in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth. Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. The Last Wish is the perfect introduction to this one-of-a-kind fantasy world.

Sword of Destiny: Tales of the Witcher - Now a major Netflix show Andrzej Sapkowski
37,36 zł

Sword of Destiny: Tales of the Witcher - Now a major Netflix show Andrzej Sapkowski

  • ISBN9781473231085
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorAndrzej Sapkowski
  • WydawnictwoGollancz

Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the hit Witcher Netflix show and video games. Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good...and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth. Translated żeby David French. Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series.In this second collection of short stories, following the adventures of the hit collection The Last Wish, join Geralt as he battles monsters, demons and prejudices alike... Tytuł Sword of Destiny Autor Andrzej Sapkowski,David French Wydawnictwo Orion Publishing Co EAN 9781473231085 ISBN 9781473231085 Kategoria Języki obce\Literatura Obcojęzyczna kolekcja The Witcher ilość stron 400 Format 19.6x12.8x2.5 cm Rok wydania 2020 Oprawa Miękka Wydanie 1 Waga 0.28 kg


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