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Rok wydania
Pride and Prejudice - Austen Jane - książka
36,31 zł

Pride and Prejudice - Austen Jane - książka

  • ISBN9780141439518
  • Oprawabroszurowa
  • AutorJane Austen
  • WydawnictwoPenguin Books

When two rich young gentlemen move to town, they don't go unnoticed - especially when Mrs Bennett vows to have one of her five daughters marry into their fortunes. But love, as Jane and Elizabeth Bennett soon discover, is rarely straightforward, and often surprising. It's only a matter of time until their own small worlds are turned upside down and they discover that first impressions can be the most misleading of all.Pride and Prejudice is one of six unforgettable Puffin Classics, brought together for International Women's Day in a stunning set in celebration of some of the most iconic female writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Lady Susan and Other Works Jane Austen
19,99 zł

Lady Susan and Other Works Jane Austen

  • ISBN9781840226966
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorJane Austen
  • WydawnictwoWordsworth

This collection brings together Jane Austen?s earliest experiments in the art of fiction and novels that she left incomplete at the time of her premature death in 1817. Her fragmentary juvenilia show Austen developing her own sense of narrative form whilst parodying popular kinds of fiction of her day. Lady Susan is a wickedly funny epistolary novel about a captivating but unscrupulous widow seeking to snare husbands for her daughter and herself. The Watsons explores themes of family relationships, the marriage market, and attitudes to rank, which became the hallmarks of her major novels. In Sanditon, Austen exercises her acute powers of social observation in the setting of a newly fashionable seaside resort. These novels are here joined by shorter fictions that survive in Austen?s manuscripts, including critically acclaimed works like Catharine, Love and Freindship [sic], and The History of England.

Pride and Prejudice
11,99 zł

Pride and Prejudice

  • ISBN9781784871727
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorJane Austen
  • WydawnictwoRandom House

When Elizabeth Bennet meets Mr Darcy she is repelled żeby his overbearing pride, and prejudice towards her family. But the Bennet girls are in need of financial security in the shape of husbands, so when Darcy"s friend, the affable Mr Bingley, forms an attachment to Jane, Darcy becomes increasingly hard to avoid. Polite society will be turned upside down in this witty drama of friendship, rivalry and love " Jane Austen's classic romance novel.


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