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Rok wydania
New Headway Fifth edition Beginner:Workbook with answer key Soars, Liz
78,51 zł

New Headway Fifth edition Beginner:Workbook with answer key Soars, Liz

  • ISBN9780194524223
  • Oprawabroszurowa
  • AutorJohn Soars,Liz Soars,Jo McCall
  • WydawnictwoOxford University Press

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students? needs.Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today.Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology.Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been completely updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.The Workbook offers learners additional practice for every unit of the Student's Book, for homework or self-study.

New Headway Fifth edition Beginner:Student´s Book+Online practice Soars, Liz
96,77 zł

New Headway Fifth edition Beginner:Student´s Book+Online practice Soars, Liz

  • ISBN9780194523929
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorJohn Soars,Liz Soars,Jo McCall
  • WydawnictwoOxford University Press

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today.Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology.Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.The Student's Book provides all the language and skills students need to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material, ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom.


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