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Rok wydania
Polskie logos a ethos
75,00 zł

Polskie logos a ethos

  • ISBN9788366715646
  • AutorKoneczny Feliks
  • WydawnictwoMiles

Ze wstępu dr. Krzysztofa Kawęckiego z Instytutu Dziedzictwa Myśli Narodowej im. Romana Dmowskiego i Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego:W 100. Rocznicę pierwszego wydania dzieła Feliksa Konecznego „Polskie Logos a Ethos" Wydawnictwo Miles przypomina tę jedną z najważniejszych prac wybitnego historiozofa. Po raz pierwszy przedstawił w niej definicję cywilizacji, która stała się fundamentalnym założeniem jego myśli. W ujęciu tym cywilizacja to „metoda ustroju życia zbiorowego", która określa w jaki sposób informacje społeczności odnoszą się do pięciu kategorii bytu: dobra (moralności), prawdy (przyrodzonej i nadprzyrodzonej), zdrowia, dobrobytu i efektowna. Pierwsza i najważniejsza zasada prawa dziejowego mówi: „nikt nie może być cywilizowany na dwa sposoby". Między cywilizacjami nie może być syntez, a próby ich wprowadzenia kończą się zdominowaniem jednej cywilizacji przez drugą (przede wszystkim przez tę, która nakłada mniejsze obowiązki moralne), bądź też powstaniem acywilizacyjnej mieszanki niezdolnej do rozwoju. Cywilizacje różnią się w poglądach na wszystkie kategorie bytu – w odmienny sposób widzą dobro i zło, piękno i brzydotę, prawdę i fałsz. Tytuł Polskie Logos a Ethos Autor Feliks Koneczny Wydawnictwo MILES EAN 9788366715646 ISBN 9788366715646 Kategoria Nauki humanistyczne\Filozofia ilość stron 456 Format 17.2x24.2x3 cm Rok wydania 2021 Oprawa Twarda Wydanie 1 Waga 0.88 kg

Pippa and Pop 1 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)
33,35 zł

Pippa and Pop 1 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)

  • ISBN9781108928281
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson,Colin Sage
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop 3 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael
63,85 zł

Pippa and Pop 3 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael

  • ISBN9781108928489
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)
58,46 zł

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)

  • ISBN9781108928410
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson,Colin Sage
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop Level 3 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)
58,46 zł

Pippa and Pop Level 3 Activity Book British English Sage, Colin (University College Cork, Ireland)

  • ISBN9781108928496
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson,Colin Sage
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned żeby the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael
63,85 zł

Pippa and Pop Level 2 Pupil's Book with Digital Pack British English Nixon Caroline, Tomlinson Michael

  • ISBN9781108928403
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorCaroline Nixon,Michael Tomlinson
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

"Peep inside Dan and Kim's family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned aby the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!"


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