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Rok wydania
cambridge global english stage 8 coursebook with audio cd
138,71 zł

cambridge global english stage 8 coursebook with audio cd

  • ISBN9781107619425
  • Oprawamiękka
  • AutorChris Barker,Mitchell Libby
  • WydawnictwoCambridge University Press

Cambridge Global English offers a language-rich approach to learning English with an international focus. Specifically developed to provide comprehensive support for learners of ESL worldwide, the topics covered reflect diversity and help learners communicate in English. The material engages learners actively and creatively with opportunities to participate in a wide variety of curriculum-based activities to acquire content knowledge and practise English language and literacy. Learners can acquire skills and strategies to help them approach new learning situations with confidence. Emphasis is placed on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as vocabulary development and language awareness. Learners are exposed to a range of vocabulary with opportunities for using language in personalised, meaningful ways and developing the language skills they will need to access classroom materials in English across school curricula.


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