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Rok wydania
188,90 zł


  • ISBN9783899559019
  • Oprawatwarda
  • AutorCam Honan
  • WydawnictwoGestalten

Explore the world one step at a time. Wanderlust presents legendary walking routes with inviting maps, practical tips, and inspiring landscape photographs.The exciting Canyon Trail in Zion-National Park, the spectacular El Caminito del Rey in Spain, the pilgrim trail on the holy Kumano Kodo in Japan or a mythical hiking path in the land of the giants, Norway - Wanderlust explores legendary hiking trails in enchanting corners of the world and over a variety of terrain: thin ice and desert sands; coastal tracks and forest pathways.Spectacular photography illustrates journeys to sharp summits, astonishing vistas, and phenomenal locales. With maps featuring noteworthy locations alongside background information and practical tips żeby Cam Honan, an expert who has hiked many of the trails himself, Wanderlust will suit both intrepid beginners and seasoned trekkers.From modern-day transcendentalists or those who simply desire a casual break from concrete scenery, Wanderlust allows readers to live vicariously through vivid portraits or use the trips as impetus for their own hiking journey.Following faded footsteps of migrating animals or paths of ancient trade routes, the trails featured in Wanderlust offer both out- door exploration and enjoyment.Podtytuł: Hiking on Legendary TrailsKod paskowy: 9783899559019Redakcja: GestaltenRok wydania: 2017Kod wydawcy: 44923liczba stron: 256Oprawa: TwardaPKWiU: 24.0x30.0cmGłębokość (mm): 30Waga: 1.72Języki: angielskiGrupa towarowa: Książka


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