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Headway Pre-Intermediate Students Book B with Online Practice - praca zbiorowa - książka
66,24 zł

Headway Pre-Intermediate Students Book B with Online Practice - praca zbiorowa - książka

  • ISBN9780194527774
  • Oprawabroszurowa
  • AutorJohn Soars,Liz Soars,Paul Hancock
  • WydawnictwoOxford University Press

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today.Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology.Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been completely updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.Student's Book B (with Online Practice) contains units 8-14 from the Student's Book and is ideal for short courses. The new Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material, ensuring relevant and useful practice at home.- Each Student's Book provides six topical units (units 7-12) with familiar Headway structure and integrated skills methodology.- New vibrant photography unit openers with questions engage learners with the unit topic and video introductions provide a brief overview of the content included.- New up-to-date reading texts focus on topics and themes that students can relate to and demonstrate a specific language point.- Access codes in the front of the Student Books provide learners with 30 hours of Online Practice per level: Online Practice lets students look again at Student's Book language they want to revise or they missed in class, do extra practice of all four skills and check their progress with self-check tests.


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